Not a single mention of the Tiguan nor the RAV4, X-Trail, CRV, CX7 or Captiva."With a choice of up-to-date turbocharged direct-injected engines, more technology and such versatile packaging, Yeti has strong credentials. Just how it competes against its opposition like Subaru Forester, Nissan Dualis, Kia Sportage, Hyundai ix35 and Suzuki Grand Vitara will remain a question until we get our hands on one Down Under. "
All of the articles linked to in the last week or so show clear signs that they have been largely written by plagiarising the copious marketing handouts that journalists are given on these sorts of junkets. The paragraph above is the clearest indication yet the Skoda are going to be very, very aggressive on the pricing and see their initial at least target market as the budget SUV buyer.