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Thread: Skoda Yeti Availability?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Sydney, NSW

    I'm not saying that they're gonna leave, although I worry about it. I reckon that their sales last month were just a low month (much like Honda are having at the moment...although Skodas are nice cars...) because they've been to 155 before. We know that there are more and more people on this forum all the time, many who still have cars on order so Skoda sales are definitely not falling off the cliff. Of course I know that a new brand takes time, but I'd expect sales to have reached at least 200.

    The biggest annoyance for me is that Skoda advertising is at the same level they were when they arrived (actually, less, because we don't have the sand-car Octavia RS ad at every ad break). They're just expecting word-of-mouth to bring them sales - not gonna work guys! Then they don't listen too
    - I bet they don't even read this or any other form of Skoda owners' opinions. I'm pretty sure we know best, because we want to see more of them on the road.

    The frequency is increasing for me (well, the average is anyway) and I now have a firm base of 4 Skodas in my area. Sure that's fine, yep. I know that more will be there eventually, so I hope that Skoda has the money/guts to stay here (which, judging on Skoda worldwide's sales, they do).
    Mine: Silver 2006 Volkswagen Golf Sportline 2.0FSI 6M (with a sunroof)
    Parents': Candy White 2008 Skoda Octavia RS 2.0TFSI 6M Liftback

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    Adelaide hills, SA
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jake02 View Post
    I'm not saying that they're gonna leave, although I worry about it. I reckon that their sales last month were just a low month (much like Honda are having at the moment...although Skodas are nice cars...) because they've been to 155 before. We know that there are more and more people on this forum all the time, many who still have cars on order so Skoda sales are definitely not falling off the cliff. Of course I know that a new brand takes time, but I'd expect sales to have reached at least 200.

    The biggest annoyance for me is that Skoda advertising is at the same level they were when they arrived (actually, less, because we don't have the sand-car Octavia RS ad at every ad break). They're just expecting word-of-mouth to bring them sales - not gonna work guys! Then they don't listen too
    - I bet they don't even read this or any other form of Skoda owners' opinions. I'm pretty sure we know best, because we want to see more of them on the road.

    The frequency is increasing for me (well, the average is anyway) and I now have a firm base of 4 Skodas in my area. Sure that's fine, yep. I know that more will be there eventually, so I hope that Skoda has the money/guts to stay here (which, judging on Skoda worldwide's sales, they do).
    I think that if they advertise 24/7 on TV and in other medias it wouldn't bring them any significant increase in sales. There is only so much advertising can do for you the rest is up to the people. I also don't see many ads for BMW and other manufacturers and they're doing ok.

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Bathurst, NSW
    I was telling one of the new people at work about my car, and they though that the Skoda was ordered online or something. No clue about it

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    Fremantle WA
    Quote Originally Posted by Jake02 View Post
    but I'd expect sales to have reached at least 200.
    this is may point exactly, given the superior build quality and technology the 200 figure nationally should be a walk in the park, right?! My mate tells me Vfacts have them listed at 79 for march and a mesely 107 for Feb, they are way off the pace.

    I acknowledge what you say about global growth but that is nothing to pin you hopes on. Skoda may have become viable in other parts of the globe but it's existance in OZ is solely and wholely because of VW and it's ability to absorb these pitaful numbers. But never lose sight of the fact it is a business, if it is becoming a liability it will go.

    As for transporters comments on advertising I can assure you that Mazda, Subaru, Toyota, Holden etc etc do not spend many millions on advertising if it doesn't work. Skoda's inability to attract potential owners from this medium is th exact reason the are in reverse. No one can consider a product they dont know exists let alone pay more than than it's competitors for it

    Skoda need to start to connect with it's intended audience on what it's percieved offerings are and how it feels it competes in this market place or it's future is extremely bleek
    Last edited by Skoda Convert; 10-04-2010 at 11:31 PM.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skoda Convert View Post
    As for transporters comments on advertising I can assure you that Mazda, Subaru, Toyota, Holden etc etc do not spend many millions on advertising if it doesn't work. Skoda's inability to attract potential owners from this medium is th exact reason the are in reverse. No one can consider a product they dont know exists let alone pay more than than it's competitors for it

    Skoda need to start to connect with it's intended audience on what it's percieved offerings are and how it feels it competes in this market place or it's future is extremely bleek
    So, you would go and spend more money (like Toyota and others do) on advertising to convince people to buy Skoda instead of Toyota, Mazda, Holden and other well established car companies cars? Well, I thing that it would be a big gamble that most likely wouldn't pay off and if Skoda wouldn't be backed up by VW than it would definitely broke the Skoda's back.
    It could work on different continent not in OZ and not in today's financial climate.

  6. #16
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    I think SKoda are targeting their market, I have seen the Skoda ads in most car mags, and they are active around in the community, particularly cycling, there are more than a few people here who have bought from due to that.

    The rest is word of mouth, the cars are good, the dealers can be iffy, and HQ is losing leads left, right and centre. I've lost count how many times you hear nothing back from them. Despite what VW HQ think, sometimes the first point of call is them via their website after someone has gone looking there, and fobbing everything off to the dealers is lazy.

    I should say though, if I had the money, I would buy the cars off the whingers in here, so you would never have to post yet another rant about whether Skoda will stick around. I don't care if you see 2 Skoda a week, when I bought mine, I didn't see one for months and I thought that was good.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Yeti availability

    Just read on an Euro autoweb about waiting times for Yeti. Skoda underestimated sale success of the car and as a result waiting times blew up to something like three months. So not sure whether Yeti is going to make it here in Oz this year. I am afraid they will not be too keen to price them that well either. Superb Wagon is rather popular too, even though to lesser extent and there are waiting times too.

  8. #18
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    Article in Drive that the Yeti is due this year, but GoAuto indicated a Q2 2011 launch date.

    The latter article has has other news on a DSG for the Scout and an entry-level Octavia.

  9. #19
    Join Date
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    Canberra, ACT
    I asked Skoda corporate and some dealers. Dealers all said next year but Skoda corporate day it's this year - 2010.
    I also agree with above, they would be mad not to have it at the Sydney motor show in October.

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Canberra, ACT

    I have a followup - an source has all but confirmed to me yeti to appear at motorshow. Never used this source before so reliability unknown but I am hopeful given the 6 month wait for a configured tig these days.

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