Glad you are enjoying it.
I have only seen 2 on the road since they were released.
Took delivery of our Yeti last week and couldn't be happier. Was car hunting for over a month and had tried out the 6R Polo GTi, mk7 golf, cx5 and more but the Yeti came out tops. The only thing I'm wondering is why there's so few of these on the roads! They seem to be popular in europe. Our car comes with xenons and front/rear park sensors which were important as it would be my wife driving it most of the time and have xenons on my a4 and just love it. Now I'm thinking of doing a black/silver wrap on the roof and getting some bike racks too. Thought of a flash but the engine has more than enough power for our use.
Last edited by Boon; 04-08-2013 at 01:51 PM.
Glad you are enjoying it.
I have only seen 2 on the road since they were released.
I've seen about 3 so far in brisbane in the past 2 weeks but still pretty rare I'd say. Paying full price is hard with all the competition around but we got ours for a good price with low kms and options that we wanted.
Congrats!! You'll love it. I've had mine since last October and haven't regretted a thing. I'm seeing more and more on the roads down here with 2 silver ones spotted today on the way back from the airport.
Indium Grey Golf 7.5 Alltrack 135tdi Premium - all options
Congratulations - yes they are a great car
As you said, it's hard to work out why here aren't a lot more around
I put it down to short sightedness -
meaning that strange look you get as they screw their nose up
when they either see you in it or when you say that you have one
"You've got a what ?" or "What on earth is THAT !!"
Sad part is it is THEY who are missing out - is yours the DSG ?
We have had ours since September last year and in that time have seen
2 parked
1 in a shopping center carpark
and then about 2 months back passed 2 on the same day !!
One was red with a black roof - now that is THE colour combination !!!
Ours is Lava Blue
IMHO the lights are probably the weak point but you have that covered with the xenons
I'll have to get better bulbs, but then I don't do much night driving anyway
Last edited by Blue103TDIDSG; 26-07-2013 at 11:14 PM.
I've got the lava blue as well so I reckon a silver roof would look better than black. The xenons are great and was lucky to find one with them as they are rare. MFD is telling I've been getting 5.9 - 6.1 driving recently! Mainly urban/suburban driving too. My A4 1.8T which is quoted to do 5.9 combined has been getting 7 at best with 65% highway driving. Go yeti!
My parents have a Yeti and they think it is one of the best cars they have owned.
Agree with the silver roof, would be better than black with heat as well
Post some pics when you get it done, what sort of $$$ they want for that ?
Not sure just how accurate the MFD fuel usage is
I'm located near Yatala and today went to Caboolture and back over Gateway
MFD showed 5.3l/100km for the trip on way up and then 5.6 as an overall for both ways
which included a bit of running around up there and then again when we got back
Like running around the shops and refueled etc.
Which gearbox did you get ?
Meant to add
I've found the Lava Blue very hard to keep looking clean
The shape of the Yeti probably doesn't help but I go to a local airfield regularly
And it has about 700 metres on dirt/gravel road in/out
Every time I go there it is a wash down, otherwise it looks like it hasn't been washed in a month
My wife loved it the second she saw it.
I almost bought one. But it has no boot space at all. So failed the family car test. Bought a Jetta.
MK4 GTI - Sold
MK5 Jetta Turbo - Sold
MK5 Jetta 2.Slow - Until it dies.