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Thread: Need advice on buying a Yeti

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Mornington Peninsula

    Need advice on buying a Yeti

    Hello All...

    As the title suggests I am looking to buy a new Yeti.

    I am currently looking at a 2011 103TDI 4x4.

    I would really appreciate any advice on this or other versions.

    Obviously I have had lots of "advice" from people who have never even driven a Skoda, especially telling me not to buy one as the parts and servicing will be astronomical, so I guess I'm also seeking reassurance from current owners that this is not the case.

    Should I be wary of a certain gearbox?

    How useful is the warranty from Skoda? Are there any pitfalls I need to be avoiding?

    Thank you for reading!
    Last edited by Unsightly; 15-10-2013 at 06:52 PM. Reason: it's a 6speed DSG...
    Skoda Yeti Considerer on the Mornington Peninsula

  2. #2
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    Glad you're thinking about the Yeti. I've had my 103TDI DSG for just over 12 months now with no real dramas at all. My first service was about $400 at Richmond Skoda but you can get it done cheaper at a VW specialist. One of the biggest costs in the service is the VW spec oil. Skoda's standard 3 year warranty seems about the same as any other car company's but there have been a few discussions on this forum about the usefulness of the extended warranty.

    The DSG has caused a few problems but the one that has been getting most publicity is the recalled 7spd that comes in the 77tsi. I've had no problems with mine and I'm staying hopeful that I won't

    If you choose a Yeti I don't think you will regret it.
    Indium Grey Golf 7.5 Alltrack 135tdi Premium - all options

  3. #3
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    Thanks Rooboy, that's pretty much exactly the kind of thing I want to hear.

    Do you get any delay when you're pulling away? I've heard some people use the sports mode when they really need to launch at a busy junction. Is this really necessary? I usually just wait for a bigger gap!

    How is the reversing up hill (I have a steep drive), and do you do any towing with it?

    The dealer assures me that as long as they are authentic Yeti parts, I can order cheaper from abroad (relatives in Europe) and fit them here without affecting the warranty.

    Did you get any Roadside Assist in the first few years?

    I wanted to get a lighter car to help with the heat, but apparently this shouldn't be too much of an issue because the air-con is good.

    Sorry to barrage you with so many questions - I'm pretty excited but still rather nervous about going for a lesser known car in Australia.
    Last edited by Unsightly; 16-10-2013 at 10:47 AM. Reason: Spelling
    Skoda Yeti Considerer on the Mornington Peninsula

  4. #4
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    The 6 speed DSG used in the 103TDI and 112TSI models is far more reliable and stronger than the 7 speed unit used in the lower priced/lower powered Yeti's like the 77TSI. Avoid the models with the 7 speed DSG box - you can thank me later for that advice......ticking time bomb.

    My brother works for Skoda and he quite often drives a Yeti as his drive car because they are so damn practical.

    As mentioned above, the oil that you will use for each service will cost you around $80-90 for a 5L bottle if bought from Supercheap/Repco etc. You can buy your preferred (VW approved) oil from places like Supercheap/Repco etc and leave it on the passenger seat for the service, and you will save yourself some cash, as they normally charge about $30-35 per litre at the dealer.

    An approved oil that is readily available and VW approved is Penrite Enviro+ 5w-30. Normally around $80 on the shelf.

    Just make sure, if you are considering a diesel, that you are getting one for the right reasons. Diesels do not like stop/start traffic and short drives down the street - and you will end up with poor fuel consumption and issues with the diesel particulate filter. Diesels need longer drives where the engine is at operating temp for periods of time. If you do a high amount of km's and open road driving then the diesel is good, if not, then get a petrol engine. The 1.8L petrol engine in the 112TSI is a good little motor, so if you do lower km's or lots of short/stop-start driving, get the 112TSI. Both the 112TSI and the 103TDI are available with the better 6 speed DSG so you should be pretty safe.

    Another brother just recently got rid of his 2012 Octavia 103TDI which had around 70,000km on it in the 18 months or so he had it. It was a work car. It was re-tuned for more power and he had zero mechanical sympathy for it and he had no mechanical issues in the time he had it. It ran up and down the M1/F3 freeway almost daily between Newcastle - Central Coast therefore perfect conditions for a diesel engine. Fuel consumption around 5.2L per 100km too.
    Last edited by Lucas_R; 16-10-2013 at 11:51 AM.
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

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  5. #5
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    It's hard to decide between the petrol or diesel.

    I am thinking diesel because even though the higher costs, I thought it was a more reliable engine. I had heard of the diesel particle filter issue, but I obviously need to look into that more so thank you for that.

    I drive 30kms to work on the freeway, and am likely to do lots of 10 minute trips and long-haul trips for camping.
    Skoda Yeti Considerer on the Mornington Peninsula

  6. #6
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    FWIW I'm not 100% into the whole "Diesel isn't good for stop-start motoring". Sure, the fuel consumption isn't as good - but that's no different to any petrol really. And the strains and stresses of stop-start motoring are the same on most cars surely?

    I've only got anecdotal evidence, but my ex-gf used to have a Holden Gemini diesel back in the 90's. Drove it as a delivery car for Domino's Pizza, and drove 5 min to TAFE & back each day. Never once got driven over an hour, and it regularly got 700kms to a 45L tank, once a year service ($100), and did about 600,000km (of which she did about 50K in 4yrs). Uncle's 2000-ish diesel Peugeot: similar story - never on long drives, lots of city driving, better-than-petrol economy and no other issues. My 2012 Yeti 103TDI: 20min to work and back most days in Melbourne peak hour. Then 5min to shops and back most nights (because we're unorganised and can't get weekly shopping happening). On weekends I'll take it anywhere from 15min to 1hr away for a bike ride (mostly the 15min option), plus at least two 5 - 10min trips to cafes in my area. About 3 times a year it'll head 3hrs to Buller, maybe once a year to Canberra, and a few 2 - 3hr trips to Forrest/Apollo Bay. But 95% short city drives. I know of 4 other folk with VAG diesels (2 x skodas, VW and an Audi) who all do less driving than me, and all have zero probs.

    My DPF thingy comes on at completely random times, but I notice it most when it stays on after one of the aforementioned 5min drives. I hear it running from inside the house for about 3 - 5min. Plus it stinks a bit. Haven't had the DPF light come on once so far telling me to go drive fast & long.

    Took it for it's first service after 12 months & 15K to Volkstech (apparently ex VW folk) and it cost about $230. Apparently completely normal running so far. My mileage has been getting better over the 18 months I've owned it. I'm getting about 720km from 50L doing the driving described earlier. Plus I fang it now and then .... especially up hills which it just eats up. It rarely sees offroad, but the one time I did so along a pretty gnarly 4WD track near Daylesford it handled better than my Outback. I plan on doing some more when life is less hectic.

    The 6sp DSG does have a little lag, but it's my first ever auto gearbox, so I've nothing to compare it to. It bothers me zilch, and I regularly floor it to squeeze into gaps that make occupants get nervous. I've used sports mode twice, maybe thrice. Ever. I haven't changed gears manually once.

    So yeah ... maybe old diesels (other than 80's Geminis) needed long drives? Dunno. I figure Europe is flooded with city-driving diesels and they seem to do fine. Or maybe they all live far from work?

    Overall - it's a freakin awesome car. I haven't been this satisfied with a car ever.

  7. #7
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    ^ modern diesels are very different to anything like an old Gemini or early 2000's Pug. Diesels since about mid 2000's are far more sophisticated and technologically advanced.....high pressure injection, turbo's, DPF's, advanced ECU's etc etc.
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

    2015 Audi SQ5 bi-turbo V6 TDI family hauler

  8. #8
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    Mar 2011
    Have had our 103TDI since July and loving it! Great overall package for the money.

  9. #9
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    As the name suggests, we have the 103 TDI with the DSG gearbox 4x4 and it is now just 12 months old
    It replaced a 1994 Landcruiser Turbo Diesel and I have no regrets - really apples compared to oranges
    Had no issues at all with the Landcruiser but the Yeti is the best car I have had.
    As part of the "deal" we got aftermarket leather seats and it has a Zenec SatNav - long story on another thread

    Very comfortable and quiet - no issues being a diesel
    We live south of Brisbane on the coast so all our running is 15-20 minutes minimum.
    The DPF regen cycle has only ever come on once very early in the piece - it has done about 6500kms in the 12 months.
    With the way that the stealer's service dept setup the Sat/Nav I wouldn't let them check the oil, let alone change it !!
    So, servicing now due, I have been quoted by a VAG specialist to come to my home and do the first service for $235
    That is the way I will go

    Spare parts - I can't comment as I haven't and hope not to have to get any. Our other car is a Fiat 500 and all the servicing materials I will be getting from the UK as they are even more extortionist here in Oz. Example, I got the salesman (before we bought the car) to check the cost of a set of front disc pads - $300 close enough - believe it or else !! A set of good brand disc pads from the UK is £35 + freight and rotors plus the disc pads is only £70 + freight. So my guess is that Skoda parts would be similar. Obviously it takes about a week or so to get here

    The car itself - "magic" is the only word to describe it. It's great to drive and the DSG box is always in the correct gear. I have never used it manual nor have I used the sports mode - never had the need. I drive conservatively, so don't floor it to get into a traffic slot. But having said that if you give it a bootfull it goes like a scalded cat !! There is no discernible lag - none. Press the loud pedal and it GOES. The Landcruiser DID have turbo lag - plant your foot, count to 3, slowly, and then the power would hit you - not so with the Yeti - for me, you just drive it like a petrol engined car.

    I have had company cars and they were conventional autos. This is the first auto we have bought and have no regrets. In "normal" driving the changes are lightning fast and smooth as. The only way you know it is changing gears is the change in engine note and the tacho bobbing up and down, rather down and up.

    And don't forget that it is a 4x4 - the Haldex clutch system is very clever - suggest you Google it and read up on it

    I haven't towed with it yet but have ordered a towbar from UK as I don't like the Oz one as you can't refit the removable cutout in the rear bumper - there is another thread on this too

    The rear seats haven't been mentioned but they are fantastic - on 2 occasions I have carried large boxes and it only takes about 5 minutes to completely remove all of them, slightly longer to put them back - very clever indeed. The shopping hooks in the back work well and the storage bins beside the spare stop stuff sliding all over the place

    I guess to summarise,
    I can't believe that there aren't lots more on the road,
    But I put that down to the stupidity of rejecting something because it is different -
    lack of decent advertising probably doesn't help either - how long since you saw an add for Skoda on TV ?

    Friends say "You bought a WHAT !!" -
    You get used to it and just walk away thinking "Idiot"
    But in the end it is they who are missing out by not even looking at such a great car

    Ours came with the extended 5 year warranty and it has roadside assist at least for the first 3 years -
    I'm guessing that should also be extended to 5 years too - will have to check the paperwork

    Anyway, my advice is "go for it"
    You won't regret it
    Last edited by Blue103TDIDSG; 16-10-2013 at 09:45 PM. Reason: can't type and can't speyl either - LOL

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    We've had our Yeti for 6 months, couldn't be happier with it. Blue103TDIDSG's post above pretty much covers my thoughts. We were weighing up petrol vs diesel, and although very close to pulling the trigger on the petrol, made a late change to the diesel, and glad we did.
    A couple of questions you asked were also concerns of mine after reading about potential DSG issues. I have never noticed any lag when pulling away, and we have a long steep driveway we have to reverse out of, and there's never been any problem at all.
    Great car.

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