After taking delivery of the Yeti and trying to pair up my mobile, the system locked up. It showed that it was trying to pair with my phone, but not succeeding even when all options were tried - it would not reset to factory default settings and would return to the phone screen while mobile regardless of what trip computer screen had been selected.
Attempts by Solitaire to get it to behave were not successful and so a new bluetooth module was obtained and fitted, and it works! Solitaire's service staff were most helpful and seemed to know what they were about. But, and it's a big but, their service department is apparently overloaded to the point of frustration - they were unable to book us in to fit the module without several weeks notice, and even with this length of notice they could not provide a loan car for some additional weeks as their loan vehicles were committed.
So it's a bit of a worry if something major breaks - we are a one car family and live in a semi-rural area, and cannot afford to be without a car for any period at all. Maybe we just caught them at a bad time and all the Audis, VWs, Jags, Land Rovers etc. which they flog had stopped at the same time. Or, maybe Skoda are at the bottom of the pecking order
I might drop a letter to their Sales Manager - it will be interesting to hear their side of the story.