Hope you don't mind me asking -
When I was looking at the Zenec web site I noticed that the "next manouvre icon" can be shown in MFD
Checked and mine doesn't - bummer -
looked a bit further and the settings on the MFD show "Radio" - it should show 'Navigation"
Out of interset, does your Columbus show this icon in the MFD ?
I will be getting a VCDS cable to activate the towbar when it is fitted
figure it's better to put $'s towards a cable rather than pay a dealer
So should be able to fix the "Navigation" problem with it (I hope)
In passing, you can get it here for 80 pounds (no pound key either) delivered to Oz
VAG Diagnostics Ltd - VCDS Vag-Com 908, 912, & 10.6 Cables
They offer full support - what ever that means
I emailed them and they said that they will help with changing the fog lights iunto "turning" fog lights (like that feature)
depends whether the car electronic box supports this feature - if it does, it is only a matter of configuration
Will post all this triffle when it happens