Plenty of folk have had tunes from various companies before you two. Very few have reported issues.
I think people that are doubtful should not do it as they will always be listening out for every minor noise or hiccup & blaming it on the tune.
I've done 78,000km with +32% torque & + 17% power without any issues related to the tune. Mine was a cheap mail-order tune ($666), if I was doing it again I'd probably up my budget to $1000 & get something slightly more targeted.
carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
I used to think I was anal-retentive until I started getting involved in car forums
Mate, I don't know as I don't run a diesel but there are plenty of folk in the tuning section that have run tuned diesels. Maybe have a look there for the answers to your questions?
My theory is that it will break / give problems mapped or unmapped & the tune might bring the problem forward by a small percentage.
They reckon our petrol is rubbish as well but I just run whatever is handy / cheap. Usually either Shell v-power with shopper dockets or the local independant guy who seems to have awesome fuel (maybe he has big turnover & constantly fresh fuel).
carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
I used to think I was anal-retentive until I started getting involved in car forums