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Thread: VW Australia Customer Care

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by tigger73 View Post
    Well I guess that's good news??? Though you probably would have preferred a new crate engine given the cost/time to fit-out the van. Plus the availability of a suitable replacement van. Do you roll the dice again?
    Yes, the new engine was, what I hoped for.
    Sure, I will buy again. Though, I need to find something for next 6-12months.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Transporter View Post
    I’m not sure if I could bring myself to buy the LDV80 van, but for sure I could have two of them, one for spare parts for the cost of the one Crafter.
    I have no time for Chinese vehicles generally, but if that's the only choice..? I have about as much expertise on work vans as I do the engines in them so the best I can do is moral support.

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  3. #13
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    Have you looked at the Transit van (large)?
    Sorry to hear your pain, I can completely understand, if our vehicle is off the road we don't earn an income as well.

    Edit: I just realised you had a 4motion..although would RWD get you out of trouble for now?

  4. #14
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    No, I didn’t look at the Transit van yet. In short term the RWD is ok. But, I’ll still order 4mo Crafter. So, the van I get now will be for 6-12Months, but will probably end up keeping it for 2-3 years just to make sure that the same won’t happen again.

    The LDV ticks many boxes but, it’s not cheap enough and I’d have to drive in it for 5-10years. I can’t imagine anyone would buy it secondhand. I’ve spoke to courier today in my driveway, he had LDV G10, very happy with it, said he had 2 iLoads before but LDV is more comfortable and in 1 year with 58,000km covered absolutely no issues. Hmmm....

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Transporter View Post
    No, I didn’t look at the Transit van yet. In short term the RWD is ok. But, I’ll still order 4mo Crafter. So, the van I get now will be for 6-12Months, but will probably end up keeping it for 2-3 years just to make sure that the same won’t happen again.

    The LDV ticks many boxes but, it’s not cheap enough and I’d have to drive in it for 5-10years. I can’t imagine anyone would buy it secondhand. I’ve spoke to courier today in my driveway, he had LDV G10, very happy with it, said he had 2 iLoads before but LDV is more comfortable and in 1 year with 58,000km covered absolutely no issues. Hmmm....
    Either way good luck.

  6. #16
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    Thanks guys.

    I’ve received money back in my account and am in the process of getting myself back on the road in a big van hopefully as soon as next week.

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    I seem to recall this thread heading indicating that we should beware of buying VW vans and that heading has been modified.
    What changed? Oh you got your money back. Thats good.
    Looks like VW has done the right thing.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by olambo View Post
    I seem to recall this thread heading indicating that we should beware of buying VW vans and that heading has been modified.
    What changed? Oh you got your money back. Thats good.
    Looks like VW has done the right thing.
    You’ve answered your own question. I’ve realised that, I’ve shared my negative experience and the rest is up to members whether they chose to buy the VW commercial vehicle or not.

  9. #19
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    Gday Transporter,

    I am glad you got a resolution from VW, although not your preferred option of a new crate engine.

    Did you also take a look at the latest various Renault van models? Seems some okay specified short and long wheel based vans.



  10. #20
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    Hi mate, yes, I’ve checked Renault, Traffic and Master. Though, only 1.6L come with manual, the 2.0L has the DSG. I carry almost 1,400kg and if I’d reduced it to around 1,200kg, the 1.6L engine would be pushed hard all the time. They even didn’t have the 2.0L Traffic in stock and no Master in stock either.

    There’s also very limited number of Fiat Ducato MWB with 2.3L 130kW engine in manual, I found only 1 available for immediate delivery and 2 Iveco Daily MWB 1 new and 1 used with 4,000km. Also, the LDV V80 were sold out and only 1 on the way to Southgate dealer near me around mid next month. So, yeah if one needs a van today, there isn’t much out there.
    Last edited by Transporter; 13-08-2020 at 10:19 PM.

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