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Thread: Fuel Filter Done.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Users Country Flag

    Fuel Filter Done.

    For those that may be wanting to replace their Fuel Filter, and like me, were unsure about how to prime the new one, so the Engine would instantly start without ingesting a gut full of air, here is my story.

    On the New filter, I fitted some clear hoses to both inlet and outlet tails. On, the "Fuel In" tail, I fitted a small funnel, to which I filled up the filter with clean diesel until it came out the outlet, the paper element soaks up the fuel so the level drops continually, until it takes no more and fuel is showing in both hoses.
    Removed old filter, fitted new one, re-connected fuel lines, and instantly started without any issues.
    NO on car bleeding needed, no scan tool needed.

    SO.... many of those 50k's were driven in OutBack Australia, where fuel cleanliness can often be an issue. I have always used some sort of fuel additive that is supposed to break down water into a combustible or non corrosive state. I also have some skepticism around some of these products. After emptying out the old filter, I havent cut it open, just completely emptied it into a clean container, no sign of water or moisture. A little dirty and fine metallic particles..thats all.

    Peace of mind was worth it. $154 AUD

    Now back to the Outback.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Users Country Flag's the same on the Transporter.
    I had to do that before I got VCDS..........that sure makes it easy.
    You just tel it to prime the fuel says 'Done' and it starts straight away as well.
    2018 Crafter Runner
    T5.1 6sp manual.

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