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Thread: Crafter Diesel Lines Damp with Fuel...!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Users Country Flag

    Crafter Diesel Lines Damp with Fuel...!

    As I near 10k on my new Crafter, I keep a close eye on its mechanical "Coming of Age".

    I am noticing a fuel weep on the hard plastic lines that feed into the rather large Aluminium Fuel filter. The main fuel delivery line has a Tee piece on it, just before it enters the cannister. These lines are some kind of hard plastic and are shrink wrapped over the fittings. The plastic pipe is not yet dripping, though it is completely coated in fuel, and dust is soaking it up, clearly showing me this issue.

    As I am travelling up the West Coast of Australia, I might drop into the next Large Dealership to show and lodge this as a potential issue.

    Anyone else seen this...??


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Users Country Flag

    If the vehicle is under warranty (assuming it is if you have only done 10,000km) then id be getting those lines replaced under warranty.

    If no warranty, weight up the cost of replacing the lines vs putting some high quality black silicone sealant over where the black plastic hose and the fitting join. It sounds like its only a very very minor leak.
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