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Thread: Rear ended accident to my Jetta, driver fled the scene

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Brisbane, Queensland
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    Rear ended accident to my Jetta, driver fled the scene

    Well my beautiful baby was rear ended last week Friday. I was stopped at the top of an offramp on the tweed coast near Byron Bay area, waiting to turn left when it was hit. There were no skid marks nothing they just flew up the offramp and hit me. It was a pretty crazy experience with no warning at all, no skidding noise or anything. Once my car stopped I checked it was safe and got out the car. As I got out the person who hit me was driving around me with their bumper and stuff hanging off and basically trying to get out of there as fast as they can. I shouted at them to stop but of course they didn't and in all of the panic and bewilderment of standing in the road next to my car I just shouted out their license plate number and called 000. Anyway the cops found the car abandoned about 2 hours later pretty badly damaged. The driver and passenger of course were nowhere to be found but the driver was arrested last week for drink driving and they found drugs in the car so it is safe to say that is why they fled and were probably wasted again as they are a serial offender.

    Now onto the car and how it stood up to this. Based on the fact that they hit me at around 50-60 without stopping at all and their car was very banged up you would expect mine to be even worse. The force pushed me forward and I remember my head hitting the headrest at least twice. The result is that I have no damage at all to myself, I had no headaches or back pain, have had no pain killers and feel perfectly fine. The car is in great condition considering and I am hoping that there is no major damage and it is just superficial. The fact that the Jetta is quite high at the back and has a normal boot also made a huge difference as it took the brunt of the force. Their car seemed to go slightly under mine (they were in an old nissan sentra 4 door) and there is no damage to lights etc. on mine, also incredibly the reverse sensors are all good and I have not felt any issues driving her at all back home to Brizzie. Of course there could be damage I cannot see which I will find out tomorrow.

    Anyway car goes in tomorrow to get checked out and fixed but it is drivable right now. I am really thankful that I was in such a safe car that treated me so well in such circumstances and once again I love my car regardless and hope that there is minimal damage and she can be fixed and nursed back to her former glory


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Geelong, Victoria
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    good to hear you are ok.

    hopefully the repairs are relatively simple
    My build thread here: 1.6 sr into 1.8T

  3. #3
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    Dec 2011
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    Be aware that seemingly minor damage from the exterior can result in thousands of dollars worth of repairs. I rear ended someone with my previous car (Toyota) and while the damage seemed to be just a cracked bumper, the insurer told me it cost them a few thousand as one of the metal frames were bent and could structurally compromise the car.

    So if as you say the hit was at 50-60kph, the interior frame of your Jetta might have been damaged and has started to put a strain on other parts of the car. Just make sure that this is not the case!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    As usual AAMI has been really well organised and my car is being repaired now. I should have it back next Tuesday. They have checked and no chassis/frame damage. I have asked for a re-check again on this and confirmation which they have said they will do for me. So it looks like she took the hit really well, saved me from any injury and will be right as rain in a few days. I am really happy with the outcome thus far.

  5. #5
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    Well I got my baby back today, she looks really good, no visible bruising or scars on her. Drives perfectly, all electrics seem fine, camera etc. so very happy.

    It was disappointing that I had to contact the repairer to get the update and that AAMI hadn't contacted me to tell me my car had been ready since Tuesday but I wont hold it against them.

    On an interesting note I was chatting to the receptionist there while I was waiting, she mentioned that even though I waited 3 weeks for the car that was considered a reasonable time for parts. If I had a Skoda, Renault or Citroen I could wait 3 or more months for parts. I inquired what the best would be thinking a holden or toyota, but apparently they are all the same as all parts come from overseas for all cars, even the locally produced holden cruze. Bear in mind this was one person in Queensland but still interesting and probably something to think about when purchasing a car in the future as I quite like french cars but wouldn't like to wait 3 months for a dented fender.

    Happy to be back on the road, although I did have some fun days on my beautiful Triumph Street Triple R going to work.


  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Erskineville, NSW
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    Not sure why Skoda would take longer. They use VWs supply chain.
    carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
    I used to think I was anal-retentive until I started getting involved in car forums

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