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Thread: New Jetta - Who's got it?

  1. #41
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    The delivery date written on the contract is 29th Oct, which is perfect timing for me. I'm going overseas for a short holiday next week and I'll be back on the 29th itself! Hoping to make payment before I leave and come back ready to pick it up.

    Yes, would love to see tint on a black Jetta! Post some when you can.

    Quote Originally Posted by scamma View Post
    Frozze yours must be getting close? Still to post picture with the window tint.. but need to give it a wash first.
    MY12 147TSI Jetta DSG | CW | Sports Pack | Sunroof | Driver Electric Seat | RCD510 | Formula 1 Tint | MFSW Paddle Shifters

  2. #42
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    Pickup up the new jetta today. Not sure if I like the rims.


    To this:

    New car smell, steering wheel feels more tight, RNS510 seems more responsive, sunroof control is similar to audi.

    Turbo lag is noticeable, old car did not have turbo lag.... gve it a good flooring on the way to airport, its currently sitting in long term parking while I'm on holidays.
    Last edited by ch0p; 28-10-2011 at 10:48 PM.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Nice looking,saw a Champagne one yestorday,looked very nice,have not seen a Navy or Red one yet...

    Cant deceide if I prefer MK5 or MK6...

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by ch0p View Post
    Pickup up the new jetta today. Not sure if I like the rims.
    Nice one ch0p! I see you got yourself a 147tsi with sports pack too!

    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S II using Tapatalk
    MY12 147TSI Jetta DSG | CW | Sports Pack | Sunroof | Driver Electric Seat | RCD510 | Formula 1 Tint | MFSW Paddle Shifters

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    I am starting to see a few new Jettas on the road,saw a nice looking Silver one yestorday,VW has not promoted it at all yet,so I wonder how it is selling locally ?

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by anthony View Post
    I am starting to see a few new Jettas on the road,saw a nice looking Silver one yestorday,VW has not promoted it at all yet,so I wonder how it is selling locally ?
    I think vw has some sorta arrangement with fairfax media/the age because I always see new vw banners around the website. They had the jetta up for a couple weeks. Then they changed it to the passat cc (advertising on the finance package) and now the new tiguan.

    I did see the tv ad a fair bit as well. But I guess they're not aggressive about it!

    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S II using Tapatalk
    MY12 147TSI Jetta DSG | CW | Sports Pack | Sunroof | Driver Electric Seat | RCD510 | Formula 1 Tint | MFSW Paddle Shifters

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Looking good ch0p

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    VW needs to be aggressive with the Jetta,as it is selling like hot cakes overseas ,and here,the medium sedan class is one of the most competitive of all.

    Whenever VW Australia had a campaign on the previous Jetta,it sold really well...

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Hi guys, I figured I should come out of the woodwork and add to this thread.

    On Friday, I dropped off my 3-door Mk5 Golf GTI for a Mk6 Jetta 147 Highline (Ordered 1st October, delivered 28th October) . I didn't say goodbye to the GTI - she didn't want to talk to me.

    The Jetta is Candy White with Sat Nav, Sunroof, Drivers Seat and Sports Package. Initially, I didn't like the black Queensland wheels in the sports package, but after seeing it in person, I think it completes the look of the Jetta.

    Initial impressions, the ride is plush and comfortable compared to the GTI. It has plenty of poke at the ready. Handling wise, it is competent and stable but you don't really feel connected to the car. When you throw in corners, I miss the confidence inspiring abilities of the GTI - I already knew this would be the case.

    I miss the bi-xenon headlights, so will be paying close attention to the bulbs thread.

    What I would have liked in the Jetta is a lid for the centre storage area between gear shift and dashboard - where else are you expected to put coins for parking? I was shocked to find no storage area next to the steering wheel - the GTI had it - I usually keep receipts, etc.

    I know my first impressions sound a bit negative, but I'm still grieving over the GTI and I would have kept the GTI if it were entirely my choice. But, we all have to grow up and a 3-door hatch does not maketh a family car.

    All in all, I am happy with the Jetta. Looking to contribute to the Jetta sub-forum.


  10. #50

    Hi All
    Just thought I would add my 2 cents, We negotiated with the dealer and got our Mk6 Jetta 147 Highline 3 days before the official release. We previously had a Mk5 manual and with much excitement we paid and drove away in the new car.
    Got to say it took me about 300 meters before the disappointment starting setting in, I have driven a DSG in a GTi and thought it was ok, in the Jetta its terrible, it seems to take forever to decide to shift and in D its always looking for a gear. In S its better but who the hell set the gearing, at 60 3rd seems to high for sustained speed while 4th seems to low. I now drive in manual mode but I am at the mercy of a very slow gearbox. This is my first experience with the DSG and hmm..... I will be going back to a manual.
    Then there is the build quality, I know these are little points but it made the Mk5 so much better, things like the little hook in the back for the shopping, the cover on the center console, the poorly thought out door pockets....
    I agree, the driving experience feels very disconnected , the chassis just doesn't respond well to direction change.
    and then there is the front suspension, if I take off hard there is an enormous bang and shutter from the front suspension, what the hell is that.... and where is the switch to turn off the traction control... I could go on and on.... if you are after a performance car get a GTi......... and having said all that.......... my wife loves the new Jetta to death.... she gets the kids in and out with ease and then can set lap records at Westfield's and I guess that is the target audience

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