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Thread: Misfire no CEL no Codes

  1. #31

    Yes, agreed there's noticeable difference after installing them, most likely my attention or rather obsession lol was zoomed into picking up misfires. How's your fuel consumption has it improved ?

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  2. #32
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    I haven't done the upgrade, but I wouldn't expect any change to consumption or performance really, after all there are (relatively) few misfires anyway which means it's doing what it should even with the stock coils. Theoretically you could get a better burn... but really it's more about minimising issues (and lets not forget it looks cool... )

    Same story for the new pistons, no change, just worked again after they were installed.

    I know I posted in here somewhere about the misfires and the total numbers, calculating the average per 1,000km...
    annnnd found it...

    That was at 16,000km I had about 1,500 misfires on each cylinder, now I have 500-600 across each since the rebuild at 31k and I'm now on 39k (yeah... on an '11 Cab I clearly don't drive enough). So the average is about the same as before... which I suppose is a good thing in that it's not getting any worse. I'm reasonably confident that I'm probably still running the same coils (since I've never replaced them) spark plugs were done at 26k, so they are about 13k old and only about half way through their life.
    Last edited by The_Hawk; 05-11-2020 at 08:49 PM.

    If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit

  3. #33
    The ever resourceful Hawk, thanks buddy we owe you big time man, just to update you the small misfires keep popping up now and then well there are still there but I am keeping my fingers crossed it may all go away when I change my timing chain @190k km, I'll know in a week or so maybe all these problems that never had happened before is due to a worn out timing chain.

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

  4. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by jrpug407 View Post
    The ever resourceful Hawk, thanks buddy we owe you big time man, just to update you the small misfires keep popping up now and then well there are still there but I am keeping my fingers crossed it may all go away when I change my timing chain @190k km, I'll know in a week or so maybe all these problems that never had happened before is due to a worn out timing chain.

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
    oh and the annoying intermittent vibrations during idling too just tired of them.

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

  5. #35

    Quote Originally Posted by jrpug407 View Post
    The ever resourceful Hawk, thanks buddy we owe you big time man, just to update you the small misfires keep popping up now and then well there are still there but I am keeping my fingers crossed it may all go away when I change my timing chain @190k km, I'll know in a week or so maybe all these problems that never had happened before is due to a worn out timing chain.

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
    Hey there! Just wanted to know if there were any changes to your misfires after getting the timing chain service done?

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