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Thread: Which VCDS product

  1. #1
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    Thumbs up Which VCDS product

    Hi there

    I am new to the VW, I have a Golf 7 and I would like to do some coding to my car, eg. retrofit footwell light and retrofit foglight. So should I get the VCDS license with Micro-CAN Interface (Ross-Tech Store: VCDS License with Micro-CAN Unlimited VIN (most VW '05.5 to current)) or the VCDS Professional Kit (Ross-Tech Store: VCDS Professional Kit)?


  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by LMF View Post
    Hi there

    I am new to the VW, I have a Golf 7 and I would like to do some coding to my car, eg. retrofit footwell light and retrofit foglight. So should I get the VCDS license with Micro-CAN Interface (Ross-Tech Store: VCDS License with Micro-CAN Unlimited VIN (most VW '05.5 to current)) or the VCDS Professional Kit (Ross-Tech Store: VCDS Professional Kit)?

    Micro-Can will do what you need I believe. I recently bought mine from a re seller in NSW who was very good to deal with. I'm not sure if I am allowed to name them but they are third on the list of Australian Distributors @ Ross-Tech: Distributor List

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by nsavage View Post
    I'm not sure if I am allowed to name them
    Why wouldn't you be allowed to name them: this is not the ABC? Seriously though, this is a forum for providing help and discussing ideas, so I would have thought mentioning products and suppliers by name would be welcome - after all, VCDS is a product.
    Daily: 2010 Tiguan TDI | Candy White | Manual | 4MOTION | New York Wheels | Comfort Pack | Tinted Windows | Discover Media | MkVI MFSW | Mk7 Climatronic | RVC | Fog Lights | ECB Nudge Bar | Hella 160 Driving Lights | Rola RBXL135 Cross Bars | To Do: Colour MFD
    Toy: 2008 GTI Pirelli | Sunflower Yellow | 3 Door | DSG | Pirelli Wheels | RNS-510 | 9W7 Bluetooth | RVC | Rear Sensors | Fog Lights | To Do: Mk7 Climatronics, MkVI MFSW, Colour MFD

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by arcadelt View Post
    Why wouldn't you be allowed to name them: this is not the ABC? Seriously though, this is a forum for providing help and discussing ideas, so I would have thought mentioning products and suppliers by name would be welcome - after all, VCDS is a product.
    To be honest I haven't read the forum rules so I wasn't sure. Some forums let you name any supplier some forums only let you name sponsors.

    In any event it is is Mount Auto Equip Services. Mount Auto Equip Services Pty Ltd

  5. #5
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    Thanks for the replies people. I think the Micro-CAN is enough for me needs as I have watched on youtube that someone bought the Micro-CAN and able to change some coding that I am after. The reason that I am confuse was because I contacted one of the Australian Distributors and he said I need the pro. kit.

    Can anyone with Micro-CAN or HEX-USB+CAN confirm that I can also use this to code any retrofit stuff?

    Many thanks

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by LMF View Post
    Thanks for the replies people. I think the Micro-CAN is enough for me needs as I have watched on youtube that someone bought the Micro-CAN and able to change some coding that I am after. The reason that I am confuse was because I contacted one of the Australian Distributors and he said I need the pro. kit.

    Can anyone with Micro-CAN or HEX-USB+CAN confirm that I can also use this to code any retrofit stuff?

    Many thanks
    LMF: Hello again -I'm certainly impressed at the consideration that you are giving to buying your new cable - it shows that you are prepared to examine a wide range of issues before making a decision (a good trait to have for someone who needs to be cautious when using a VCDS cable - IMO).

    But enough of the hagiography- as to your question about compatibility of the Micro CAN to "code ANY (my emphasis) retro stuff", the answer is probably no. But then, the same answer likely applies to the HEX product as well. For example, if any of the retro-fit projects involve updating/tinkering with control module firmware (as distinct from changing adaptation channels and coding and reading measuring blocks), then neither version of RT cable will suit your needs. In this case, you are probably better-off considering one of the VAG CAN PRO products. What specific retro-fit projects were you thinking about?

    PS:Ross Tech summarise the limitations of the Micro CAN cable (compared to the HEX unit) as follows:
    Limitations: The Micro-CAN does not support Turbo Mode, the Clear All DTCs function or Activating/De-Activating Transport Mode. A HEX-USB+CAN is needed for those functions.

    PPS: of course, the other limitation of the Micro CAN is that it won't be compatible with older cars that use k-lines for their diognostics protocol. But it's OK for CAN platform vehicles like the mk7
    Last edited by DV52; 02-10-2015 at 01:24 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

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