Hi There, Is there anyone nearby the area who can scan for codes?
Car is a B5.5 Passat doesn't run and is stationary in a car lot.
Have placed a deposit pending codes. Will be also willing to reimburse for any help.
00 A4 1.8TQMS GT2871R powered - Gone
MK7 '19MY Golf TSI Trendline
PM sent
Graphite Blue TDI| DSG | Leather | Bi-Xenons | Custom LED inner tails | Black Forest TAI | OSIR Pod & New South Boost Gauge | Bluefin | Projector Fogs | RNS510 | Skoda Bluetooth | Eibach Pro kit Springs| Full LED interior|US GLI paddle shift MFSW|Carbon Vinyl wrapped trims|Colour Coded Votex Body Kit|