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Not sure if this is the correct place to post, but I haven't seen the information anywhere before.
After a bit of messing around, I was able to code both buttons on the center roof console for Information (little 'i' picture) and Service/Breakdown (spanner picture) to numbers of my choosing. I now have the breakdown/service button calling VW roadside assistance and the information button calling my VW dealer.
For those interested, under the Telephone module --> Adaption in VCDS there are four items at the bottom of the drop down list. Two for each button, one being a 'roaming' version. The Service/Breakdown coding requires 7 bytes which are entered as their raw numeric values. So for VW roadside I entered 18 00 63 71 81 00 00 (note padding with 0's for the last two bytes). The Information number requires 8 bytes, again pad with 0's for the extra bytes.