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Thread: Memoscan U600 fault reader

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silver Caravelle View Post
    The latest is that I could not get this item to work at all and has been returned for a refund (pending). Wondering if anybody has used the TORQUE Andriod APP with a Bluetooth plug with any success on the TDI's? I realise this is the VCDS Forum, but the admistrators did move my original query to this section...

    Yes, I have the TorquePro BT for Android and it is good for displaying the gauges and graphs and so on, but a bit unreliable when it comes to detecting serious performance related fault codes. However, it should be able to reset the airbag light and similar.

    I'd say for less than $30 it's pretty good.

  2. #12
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    I have Torque but don't trust it's scanning capabilities. It didn't pick an SAI fault on my S3 which I knew was there, I had removed it! VCDS can do so much, I think it would be hard to find something comparable.

    If you bought one and wanted to sell it down the track, there's always people looking to buy them. I think you could get 75% of your money back no problems.


    Quote Originally Posted by Transporter View Post
    Yes, I have the TorquePro BT for Android and it is good for displaying the gauges and graphs and so on, but a bit unreliable when it comes to detecting serious performance related fault codes. However, it should be able to reset the airbag light and similar.

    I'd say for less than $30 it's pretty good.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by h100vw View Post
    I have Torque but don't trust it's scanning capabilities. It didn't pick an SAI fault on my S3 which I knew was there, I had removed it! VCDS can do so much, I think it would be hard to find something comparable.

    If you bought one and wanted to sell it down the track, there's always people looking to buy them. I think you could get 75% of your money back no problems.

    I don't think that I will ever sell my VCDS cable and I agree with you the Torque for android is not good for any diagnostic work at all. The VCDS from ross-tech is the best value for money there between the scan tools. But, don't buy the copy, it doesn't have to work.

  4. #14
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    Thanks all for your replies. I did a bit of research regarding Torque and arrived at the same conclusion. Although it does get very good reviews for what it does. In relation to VCDS, for me I am after something portable that can be stored in the vehicle. Whilst VCDS is no doubt the best, I am really after a fault reader with some basic reset functions, but can interrogate all VAG ECU, TCU, Climate control, ABS module, etc, etc on the Multivan. Does the V-checker VAG pro (about $80 to $90 online) perform these functions on a Multivan? Or am I going to run into issues with it 'failing to communicate' with the ECU, TCU etc? Your advice is appreciated.

    P.S. if there is a local recommended Australian supplier, I would be happy give them a try for a V-Checker. My online buying experience with the likes of TOPBUY has not been ideal.


    Last edited by Silver Caravelle; 17-08-2012 at 11:18 AM. Reason: Typos!

  5. #15
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    I would say that the V-checker well maybe what you're after. But, the VCDS and the small secondhand netbook in the glovebox would be better, though more expensive option.

    Try V-checker and let us know.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Transporter View Post
    I would say that the V-checker well maybe what you're after. But, the VCDS and the small secondhand netbook in the glovebox would be better, though more expensive option.

    Try V-checker and let us know.

  7. #17
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    Can anybody kindly confirm what onboard diagmostic protocol a 2008 built Australian delivered VW Multivan TDI is? I have trawled the web and it is not clear in my mind. K+ and Canbus protocols are mentioned regarding VW's. Then there is The ADR 79/01 (Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 79/01 – Emission Control for Light Vehicles 2005) standard; the Australian equivalent of OBD-II or The EOBD (European On Board Diagnostics) regulations; the European equivalent of OBD-II.

    KWP2000 is also mentioned.

    How does one verify which protocol a VW Austalian delivered model is operating on?

    Regards, Scott
    Last edited by Silver Caravelle; 21-08-2012 at 09:56 AM. Reason: edit.

  8. #18
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    Using the Autel on my 04 comes up with "KWP2000"
    04 T5

  9. #19
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    Steve, Thanks for this. I wonder if it is Canbus for a 2008 model? The sage with Topbuy continues to obtain a replacement or a refund before I aim for an alternative fault reader. Best regards,Scott

  10. #20
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    Hi Guys,

    V-checker VAG Pro V202 arrived yesterday. I plugged it in and it at leasts recognises the vehicle's computer. Will have a play with it on the weekend and unplug a few things to see if it picks up the fault codes. Interesting it comes up with KWP2000 as the protocol (not Canbus) even for a 2008 TDI vehicle..



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