6-Speed Direct Shift Gearbox (DSG/02E)Basic Setting
- Fluid Temperature 30...100 °C (86...210 °F), see Measuring Blocks, Group 019. (Fluid Level needs to be correct!)
- Selector Lever in P
- Ignition ON
- Engine ON (Idling) for one minute or more
- Brake Pedal operated (hold for the whole procedure)
- Throttle Pedal not operated
NOTE: Be sure to perform the following steps in the sequence shown, followed by the defined test drive.
[02 - Transmission]
[Basic Settings - 04]
Transmission Tolerances (Engaged Calibration)
Group 061
- When you go to Basic Settings 061 and click GO the screen may look like this: Basic Settings 061
- Wait until the numbers quit moving and the trans will quit making noises. Basic Settings switches to On when finished: Basic Settings 061
Wait until Basic Settings has switched to ON and all numbers have stopped moving. This may take one minute.
Transmission Tolerances (Synch. Point. Measurement)
Group 060
- When you go to Basic Settings 060 and click GO the screen may look like this: Basic Settings 060
- Wait until the numbers quit moving and the trans will quit making noises. Basic Settings switches to On when finished: Basic Settings 060
Wait until Basic Settings has switched to ON and all numbers have stopped moving.
Clutch Adaptation
Control Module Software Version < 0800:
Group 062
Activate the Basic Setting.
Special notes.
- When found in the early software level (0627/0628 )(8N) Audi TT:
- Basic Settings group 062 may take several minutes to complete. The final values may report: [18 | 18 | .285 | .24] and Basic Settings will report ON when finished.
- If Basic Settings group 062 reports ERROR:| Group 062| Not | Available try test driving the vehicle and repeating at normal operating temp.
Internal Ref: ST?ID=66725 and E?ID=309867
Control Module Software Version >= 0800 :
Group 067
Activate the Basic Setting.
Reset Values (Clutch Safety Function)
Group 068
Activate the Basic Setting.
Reset Values (Pressure Adaptation)
Group 065
Activate the Basic Setting.
Reset Values (Steering Wheel Paddle Installation)
Group 063
Activate the Basic Setting.
Reset Values (ESP & Tip Cruise Control Installation)
Group 069
Activate the Basic Setting.
[Done, Go Back]
Switch off Ignition, wait 10 Seconds and switch it back on.
[Fault Codes - 02]
Check and clear fault codes after successful test.
[Close Controller, Go Back - 06]
Perform the Defined Test Drive.
Special Procedures
Defined Test Drive
Suggested test drive after replacing the mechatronic or successful basic setting.
- Fluid Temperature 30...100 °C (86...210 °F), see Measuring Blocks, Group 019.
- Do Not use Cruise Control.
Drive in Tiptronic Mode from stand still up to 6th Gear.
While doing that make sure to drive in Gears 3 or 5 for approx. 5 minutes and also in 4 or 6 for approx. 5 minutes.
The engine speed window for all gears is 1200 - 3500 RPM (for clutch calibration).
Perform one sharp braking followed by a full throttle acceleration (oil return check) while in Drive, Not Tiptronic Mode.
Evaluate creep and starting-off points.
Check for leaks.
NOTE: If the test drive cannot be performed in the recommended way or the necessary time, any remaining adaptations will be performed automatically during normal driving.
Special Notes
- Some modules do not require the use if the [ON/OFF/Next] button. If an Error is displayed after clicking the button, or the Basic Settings status does not switch to On, let the selected group and procedure finish on its own.
- It is normal for the transmission to make noise while the tolerances are adapting. Do not exit or abort the Basic Settings sequence prematurely if you hear clacking noises.
- Customers with TDI's have reported that an RPM range of 2000-2500 rpm is sufficient.