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Thread: Disable Foglights on a 2017 6C Polo GTI - How with VCDS?

  1. #1
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    Disable Foglights on a 2017 6C Polo GTI - How with VCDS?

    As per the title, looking to permanently disable the foglights on a 2017 Polo GTI after fitting an aftermarket R style bumper in order to get rid of the foglight warning on the dash.

    May be similar to do as a MK7 Golf ....

    Incidentally, in 09 - Cent Elect. Long Coding, no checkbox exists for foglights
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  2. #2
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    @Sharkie: Hi.

    hmm....... a couple of unknowns that make answering your question a tad problematic!

    1. Which diagnostic device are you using? Maybe VCDS - because you refer to "09 - Cent Elect."?
    2. Does the hex09 module on this car actually have an active long-code string (not sure what is meant by "Long Coding, no checkbox exists for foglight")?

    Anyhow - disabling the front fog-lights involves 2 x separate processes - like this:

    First, you need to tell the hex09 module to no longer recognize the center-turret first-click position on the rotary-light-switch which enables the front fogs on a mk7 and I assume does the same on your Polo. To do this on a hex09 module that does NOT have an active long-code string, do this:
    • ENG141656-MAS10541-Auflenlicht_uebergreifend-Light rotary switch with fog light > No (Yes)

    If this car DOES have a hex09 module with an active long-code string, the equivalent facility will be on one of the software switches in the Byte/Bit library (the descriptor on the long-code helper screen should have a similar name if you are using VCDS) - see below:

    Second: the change above stops the rotary-light-switch from activating the fog-light - however, these lamps are also activated by the Static AFS function which operates the cornering-light facility. So, you will also need to shut-down the 2 x Leuchte-sets that control the fog-lights (there is a separate Leuchte-set for each lamp).

    The changes to disable the front fog-light Leuchte-sets are:

    Leuchte12NL LB40-Type_Of_Load_12 > nicht aktiv/not active (allgemeine Scheinwerfer)
    Leuchte12NL LB40-Lampendefektbit_Position_12 > 00 (3 )
    Leuchte12NL LB40-Fehlerort_mittleres_Byte_DTC-DFCC_12 > 00 (22)
    Leuchte12NL LB40-Light_Function_A_12 > nicht aktiv/not active (Nebellicht links)
    Leuchte12NL LB40-Light_Function_B_12 > nicht aktiv/not active (Abbiegelicht links)
    Leuchte12NL LB40-Dimming_AB_12 > 0 (100)

    Leuchte13NL RB3-Type_Of_Load_13 > nicht aktiv/not active (allgemeine Scheinwerfer)
    Leuchte13NL RB3-Lampendefektbit_Position_13 > 00 (42)
    Leuchte13NL RB3-Fehlerort_mittleres_Byte_DTC-DFCC_13 > 00 (23)
    Leuchte13NL RB3-Light_Function_A_13 > nicht aktiv/not active (Nebellicht rechts)
    Leuchte13NL RB3-Light_Function_B_13 > nicht aktiv/not active (Abbiegelicht rechts)
    Leuchte13NL RB3-Dimming_AB_13 > 0 (100)

    • I've not shown the "Parent/Child Tag-numbers" on the adaptation channels above if you are using VCDS
    • The values in brackets should be the default values as factory-set on your car - if these values are not as shown on your car, further discussion is needed!

    Last edited by DV52; 28-09-2023 at 02:23 PM. Reason: xhanged "0" to "00" in Lampendefektbit & Fehlerort_mittleres channels
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  3. #3
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    Thanks Don

    VCDS yes, so I will have a go at this this afternoon. When I looked through the long coding on 09 on the weekend, I did see the rotary with foglight checkbox, so hoping it is doable following the above.
    Current: 2023 MY23 T-Roc R Lapiz Blue + Beats Audio + Black pack 2018 MY19 Golf R manual Lapiz Blue + DAP) 2018 MY18 Golf 110TSI (150TSI) Trendline manual White2014 Amarok TSI Red (tuned over 200kw + lots of extras) 2013 Up! manual Red 2017 Polo GTI manual Black Previous VWs and some others ...

  4. #4
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    All Credit to Don (DV52) our resident coding expert! For the Polo the following worked .... (reworded to get the exact steps that worked for me with VCDS)

    Disabling the front fog-lights involves 2 x separate processes - like this:

    First, you need to tell the hex09 module to no longer recognize the center-turret first-click position on the rotary-light-switch which enables the front fogs on a 6C Polo with front foglights. In 09-Central Elect., go to Coding, click on long coding helper and move down to the bit that has the foglight settings. Deselect the checkbox for Rotary Foglight Switch with Front Foglights. Close the Long Coding Helper and click Do it.

    Second: the change above stops the rotary-light-switch from activating the fog-light - however, these lamps are also activated by the Static AFS function which operates the cornering-light facility. So, you will also need to shut-down the 2 x Leuchte-sets that control the fog-lights (there is a separate Leuchte-set for each lamp).

    Before you go into Adaptation in 09-Central Elect. , enter the Security Code to allow coding changes in Adaption.

    Click on Adaptation and then select the channels below and make the necessary changes for each channel, in each case followed by "Do It!" before proceeding to the next channel.

    The changes to disable the front fog-light Leuchte-sets are:

    Leuchte12NL LB40-Type_Of_Load_12 > nicht aktiv/not active (allgemeine Scheinwerfer)
    Leuchte12NL LB40-Light_Function_A_12 > nicht aktiv/not active (Nebellicht links)
    Leuchte12NL LB40-Light_Function_B_12 > nicht aktiv/not active (Abbiegelicht links)
    Leuchte12NL LB40-Dimming_AB_12 > 0 (100)

    Leuchte13NL RB3-Type_Of_Load_13 > nicht aktiv/not active (allgemeine Scheinwerfer)
    Leuchte13NL RB3-Light_Function_A_13 > nicht aktiv/not active (Nebellicht rechts)
    Leuchte13NL RB3-Light_Function_B_13 > nicht aktiv/not active (Abbiegelicht rechts)
    Leuchte13NL RB3-Dimming_AB_13 > 0 (100)

    Disable Foglights on a 2017 6C Polo GTI - How with VCDS?-vcds2-jpg

    What did not work - but seems to be unnecessary anyway
    Note that from Don's instructions up top that the below channels cannot be set to 0. The input requires hexadecimal bytes.
    In the end this did not matter as the foglights have been deactivated, the error message no longer appears, the warning light on the dash does not illuminate and no errors appear 09-Cent Elect. in relation to the foglights.

    Leuchte12NL LB40-Lampendefektbit_Position_12 > 0 (38 )
    Leuchte12NL LB40-Fehlerort_mittleres_Byte_DTC-DFCC_12 > 0 (22)

    Leuchte13NL RB3-Lampendefektbit_Position_13 > 0 (42)
    Leuchte13NL RB3-Fehlerort_mittleres_Byte_DTC-DFCC_13 > 0 (23)

    Disable Foglights on a 2017 6C Polo GTI - How with VCDS?-vcds4-jpg
    Current: 2023 MY23 T-Roc R Lapiz Blue + Beats Audio + Black pack 2018 MY19 Golf R manual Lapiz Blue + DAP) 2018 MY18 Golf 110TSI (150TSI) Trendline manual White2014 Amarok TSI Red (tuned over 200kw + lots of extras) 2013 Up! manual Red 2017 Polo GTI manual Black Previous VWs and some others ...

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sharkie View Post
    Well-done you!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Sharkie View Post
    What did not work - but seems to be unnecessary anyway
    Note that from Don's instructions up top that the below channels cannot be set to 0. The input requires hexadecimal bytes.
    In the end this did not matter as the foglights have been deactivated, the error message no longer appears, the warning light on the dash does not illuminate and no errors appear 09-Cent Elect. in relation to the foglights.
    hmm....... yes, you are certainly correct "The input requires hexadecimal bytes"!! - what's actually required is a hexadecimal pair (so, 2 x hex Bytes)

    I assume that you tried entering the base-10 (decimal) number 0 into the recalcitrant channels. To enter the base-16 (hexadecimal) equivalent, you need to type-in 00! My bad - I should have included the additional instruction (I've changed my instructions so as not to confuse others)

    Also, yes - it doesn't matter if you leave the Lampendefektbit_Position and Fehlerort_mittleres_Byte channels unaltered. These 2 x channels are used by the Leuchte-set as pointers to fault memory locations - so they are really only pertinent when the Leuchte-set is active.

    When making coding changes -my preference is to retain a clean 09- cent. elect. module - it's called the Body Control Module (BCM) in VCDS speak. So, apart from getting the Leuchte -programming correct in my reply to your post, my preference for clean Leuchte-sets was also at play.

    A clean BCM is important because it has an adaptation channel count well over 1,000 and this module usually contains about 40 % of the total adaptation channel count in the car (clearly the relative channel-counts depend on how the car is built)! So, I reckon that when making coding changes - it's worthwhile tidying-up loose-ends wherever possible, particularly in the BCM. Of course, this is IMO and it's the obsession of a self confessed geek! I guess that my obsession is akin to a spanner-jokey who is prepared to go that extra step - beyond just tightening a bunch of bolts!!

    If you look at the values for the factory-deactivated Leuchte-sets in the BCM on this car - you should see that they line-up with the changes that I recommended!!

    But again - your "shortcut" instructions will still work perfectly OK!!
    Last edited by DV52; 28-09-2023 at 12:48 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

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