I suspect that the original post was meant tongue in cheek and that people who don't normally read this part of the forum are misinterpreting it.
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I suspect that the original post was meant tongue in cheek and that people who don't normally read this part of the forum are misinterpreting it.
I saw my Silver Superb Wagon drive out of the dealer with me in it today, yes i was looking in the mirror!
Saw Julian driving his roomster past the Airport today, got a wave. And saw two Octavia vrs wagons full of people and bikes on roof racks on the way home tonight.
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Followed a white Roomster from England Rd in Dandenong to Lynbrook this afternoon at about 3:40. It had "L" plates and may have been dual control-it definitely had an extra mirror for the instructor.
Spotted Kiwi again today, Burwood Hwy near Glenfern Rd in Ferntree Gully...
Be there in 10 minutes or so and you'll see me again.
I've seen a very early (2008? from the reg) burgundy wagon on that area a couple of times over the last week as well.
saw a white RS wagon this morning exiting Monash Freeway at Warrigal Rd about 7:15.
Also saw a grey pre fl wagon southbound on Eastlink about 9:00 this morning.
Black RS Wagon on M5 heading into the city @ 5pm! Looking Good!
Just met another Superb Wagon owner here in Gunghalin (ACT) had a bit of a yarn.. he didnt know about the forum or our Feb Drive day, hope he turns up for both.