Measuring the instantaneous accelerations at different rpm, as has been done in the article (and in fact throughout the series), is far more illuminating than normal measurement of acceleration times in seconds (eg a 0-100) because it shows exactly where in the engine rev range gains or losses are being made. *I find the acceleration figures a bit hard to swallow, times in seconds would be better, 76% reeeeaaaalllllyyyyyyyyy? hard figures 0 to anything would be better. Is Mister Besanko still in business?
The acceleration at the redline is indeed 76 per cent stronger than it was previously. In standard form there was no point in going to the redline as the performance was dropping off so rapidly. Now the redline is the appropriate max acceleration change rpm.
Re Wayne Besanko and PowerChip - I assume so, why don't you ask him? The results the company achieved on my car were exceptional.
(* and the gains and losses are being measured on the road under real-world conditions)