yep believe it or not a grand more than you paid !!!! they can get F.....d trivetts and North shore are both being played against each other but Yellow does seem to be a problem I just went in there because theyre close to home . I should have known better 2 years ago I went in there after a Polo and got messed around and walked out and on the way home I stopped in at Frasers and bought A new Harley Oops ! i'm easily distracted
I'm gobsmacked by that. They are or were advertised at $25,490 drive away, we got a reasonable trade on our Outlander and took the Monte with rear parking sensors for $24,500 all up. We paid the advertised (run out MY11) price for the replacement Golf. They either don't want to sell (keep as a demo) or have plenty to play with when you come to negotiate. At the end of the day it's a game, you figure out the max you're prepared to pay they know their bottom line, get together or walk away with no hard feelings.
When I bought my CV8Z Monaro I said to the dealer, "Give me your bottom line, I'll shake your hand or walk away but never talk to me about that car again if I walk. Once you tell me a price that's it deal or no deal." It worked for me.