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Thread: Forecourt Price and room for movement

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Joondalup Perth

    Forecourt Price and room for movement

    Hi All

    Been bitten by the Skoda bug after missing out on a 2008 roomster Diesel private sale. '' You snooze you lose" my wife said to me. So after looking online and doing a bit of research we headed off for our first ever new car rekky. After arriving at the car sales yard and draggin my wife away from the new fiat 500 abarths we started looking at the fabias, in particular the monte carlo for $21,990 on the road.

    i was plesantly impressed with the car (although i still like the look of the cheapest version on the 2wd Yeti 77tsi for a few grand more). With a quick chat to the finance man, whom we told we only wanted 10k on finace over 2 years, i am just wondering what the score is on working him to give me a discount? If i was buying a second hand car i would have no hesitation in offering 18k on a car that's 22k but that's because i would be dealing in cash. However, in this case I have no idea about new cars. i know they will try to get me for lots of options ie paint protection and extras but the car looked fine in standard trim.

    I'm still trying to persuade my wife that the Yeti is better and we will get more resale when we come to sell it but so far it's not working

    when i am able to get to the dealer again i wanna test drive (didn't have time today) both the auto and the manual and maybe the yeti. i am used to manuals but maybe for resale and being stuck in traffic for most of my comute an auto would be better.

    anyway enough of me rambling on. options or suggestions will be gratefully appreciated
    Regards, Roger
    PS It was a red monte carlo fabia - which wasn't in stock but would be in about two weeks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    If you can't get 10-12% off the list price plus some extra options thrown in for free you haven't even tried. Many will drive a much harder bargain.
    The Fabia has not set Australia on fire sales wise and even the Yeti really doesn't seem to be selling up to Skodas lofty pre release public estimates so hold your ground and make the dealer work to sell you a vehicle and to earn your business rather than just handing over money to them. Skodas current emphasis on price for the Yeti in TV ads is an indication that sales aren't as rosey as they had hoped. It's the first time Skoda in Australia have gone done the price route so it's a clear indication that they need to move product in greater numbers than they are.
    As far as the "Ming, Wing and Sting" (paint protection, etc) goes if you don't want it be 100% upfront and politely but firmly say that you are not interested and lets move on. Most dealers are sensible enough to to not try to persist with these after market ad ons if the customer indicates that they will get nowhere.
    My Škoda photos here

    Flickr : Blog

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Thanks taking the time to reply K1W1 much appreciated, and at least i have got a idea of what i can expect next time i get to the dealers. I have noticed that dealers in other states have a wide range of prices so i guess they are flexible on prices the sales man said they were flying off the forecourt (i'm not that
    thanks again

    PS are you a kiwi as my wife is (oamaru girl)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    $21990 for a Monte Carlo is already "discounted"
    Get them to throw some extras in MDS, climate control a/c etc.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Pomie View Post
    PS are you a kiwi as my wife is (oamaru girl)
    My Škoda photos here

    Flickr : Blog

  6. #6
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    went there last year nice and wow they're right about "windy wellington"
    I just poped back to the dealers during work today and told them i wanted to take the monte out for a test on sat and maybe be go to the other dealer to try the yeti out and see what they are willing to do as they have a red monte in stock
    the first dealer had a silver monte and it had 2011 badges on it and he said it was a 2012 and the badges were all like that ? but the red one at the other dealer has 2012 badges ???

    will keep you updated on what i do next thanks for the input people


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Pomie View Post
    the first dealer had a silver monte and it had 2011 badges on it and he said it was a 2012 and the badges were all like that ? but the red one at the other dealer has 2012 badges ???
    Skoda like all European manufacturers have a model year that runs from August to July. Any cars built after the factory returns to work after the summer holidays are usually the new model year. They will be producing 2013 model Skodas in the next couple of weeks.
    The first dealer is probably saying it's a 2012 model rather than it was built in 2012.
    My Škoda photos here

    Flickr : Blog

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Are you a member of a group or association with your work that has a deal with VW/Skoda when buying a new car? I am an Engineer and as a member of Engineers Australia got 10% off thelist price, plus half price dealer delivery charges. VW reimburses the dealer for this so it costs them nothing.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    The Fabias will all be MY12

    Make sure you get a 2012 BUILD date... otherwise stick them for a huge discount.
    It's the build date that influences resale value the most

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    My wife rang the second dealer today and asked when the fabia monte auto would be here and the price he told her they would be about 2 months away "but should have been already be here" they will be about $28,990 drive away the manuals priced at 21990 are already fully discounted. And they just sold the red one on the saturday
    he also mentioned the 2012 badged ones have the swing radio? controls on the steering wheel and no red stitching around the gear stick
    he also mentioned the 2.8% finance for the yeti had ended its still on the website saying 2.8% ( so there goes 1 good bargaining tool i was using trying to persuade my wife why the yeti would be better for us
    Last edited by Pomie; 11-07-2012 at 08:22 PM.

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