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Thread: Windows not closing properly and re-opening

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Brisbane, QLD
    Users Country Flag

    Windows not closing properly and re-opening

    Hey guys - thought I'd just post this here as an FYI (and incase anybody runs into the same issue).

    This afternoon my wife came back to her car after parking it (and locking it) that the front passenger side window was fully down. Kind of dodgy because the car was in a carpark all day and ANYBODY could have gone into the car.

    She went to wind it up - and it got almost all the way to the top, then would just wind itself back down again.

    She cycled the ignition several times - same problem. She managed to almost fully close the window using small incremental movements of the button and drove the car home. Upon arriving home - she pulled the button all the way up, window got right near the top then wound itself all the way down.

    She called Skoda - they suggested she bring the car in tomorrow. With the window the way it is, the car is technically unlockable and any rain would get into the car. The most she can close it with small incremental movements still leaves about 1.5" of gap.

    The Solution
    I arrive home and she tells me the story - I take a look at the car, and I discover the rubber seal at the top of the window had dropped about 5mm. You couldn't even really tell and had to closely examine it. I pushed it back up all the way (effectively re-seating the rubber on the metal), and the window closes fine without issue.

    What I suspect the problem is - the window was coming up, hitting the rubber that had dropped ever so slightly, and it was detecting it as an obstruction, and then winding all the way down (like if someone had their fingers caught in the window or something). I proved this to myself by using my own hand in the window, and it takes almost no pressure for the winding mechanism to reverse itself.

    So - if you come across this issue and can't work out what's happening - check your rubber trims or for anything else that's obstructing the window going fully up.
    Last edited by DreamensioN; 24-07-2018 at 08:31 PM.
    My car: MY18 Arteon
    My car #2: MY22 Volvo XC40 Pure Electric
    Her car: MY22 Skoda Octavia Limited Edition Wagon

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Canberra, ACT
    Users Country Flag

    Thanks for sharing that.
    Much appreciated.

    I had almost similar issues with mine last year after I installed weathershields and the window refuse to close - saw it as an obstruction.
    Slow incremental advances at the top would see it close, but 1-touch was not happy.
    However, after a few days 1-touch was all good.

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