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Thread: Vcds changes

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enobar View Post
    Ahnof course... I've even read about that feature - often referred to as slam to lock. I should have realised!
    Someone was fiddling about with this in the Octavias a year or so ago and the consensus was it didn't work too well so they reverted it back. I drove a RS Megane last year that had it, and sometimes it didn't work when you think it would. Othertimes it locked it when you were still there. My kids were locked in more than once. Touching the outside of the door and hearing the chirp is a better reminder for me.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by zei20t View Post
    high beam assist didn't work on my car. I got a failure each time I attempted to operate it

    they created a new app for me and it seemed to fix it. stupid me in my excitement didn't do an adaptations map before and after
    Doesn't matter about the back-up (though I would make a back-up soon). Your changes are still kept in the "History" part of the control module screen. If you select the envelope symbol on the top RHS, you can even send yourself an email copy (better than reading it on a tiny tablet/mobile phone screen)

    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  3. #33
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    I've been wanting to buy a HEX-V2 cable for a while now since I spotted that thread on Briskoda... I placed an order today from the US, will see how it goes when I receive it.

  4. #34
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    After a couple of hours of fiddling around, I managed to enable High Beam Assist, TMC, and fuel to fill... HBA wasn't straight forward at all... I was getting Error 00: Unknown (0x00). I grabbed another laptop and installed VCDS Beta, it worked. I have also noticed that I can't code controller 09, it comes all zeros... So skipped that step... I tested it and it works.

    Sent from my LG-H990 using Tapatalk

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vexed View Post
    After a couple of hours of fiddling around, I managed to enable High Beam Assist, TMC, and fuel to fill... HBA wasn't straight forward at all... I was getting Error 00: Unknown (0x00). I grabbed another laptop and installed VCDS Beta, it worked. I have also noticed that I can't code controller 09, it comes all zeros... So skipped that step... I tested it and it works.

    Sent from my LG-H990 using Tapatalk
    Vexed- I'm surprised but happy that you were able to get HBA working by "skipping steps" in the tweak instructions (generally, control modules get cranky if steps are skipped)!

    The reason why the BCM (@ address hex09) in your car reports "all zeros" is that the boffins at VW HQ made a fundamental change to the database structure.

    In previous incarnations of control modules, the parameters for establishing how the module would operate were distributed across code and adaptation channels (separately). On your car, the software switches that in the past were in Byte/Bits in the BCM are now in the adaptation channel database. So you will find the missing software switches there!

    Last edited by DV52; 19-07-2017 at 11:01 AM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    Vexed- I'm surprised but happy that you were able to get HBA working by "skipping steps" in the tweak instructions (generally, control modules get cranky if steps are skipped)!

    The reason why the BCM (@ address hex09) in your car reports "all zeros" is that the boffins at VW HQ made a fundamental change to the database structure.

    In previous incarnations of control modules, the parameters for establishing how the module would operate were distributed across code and adaptation channels (separately). On your car, the software switches that in the past were in Byte/Bits in the BCM are now in the adaptation channel database. So you will find the missing software switches there!

    Hi Don,

    I was surprised by that as well, I went into adaptations for BCM, but there are sooooo many options, mostly in German... Another forum member had the same issue, and he continued without the 09 coding

    R-Line High Beam

    So, I decided to give it a go, turned on HBA and went for a quick drive, I have noticed the high beam switched on for 2-3 seconds, then it switched off on its own...

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vexed View Post
    Hi Don,

    I was surprised by that as well, I went into adaptations for BCM, but there are sooooo many options, mostly in German... Another forum member had the same issue, and he continued without the 09 coding

    R-Line High Beam

    So, I decided to give it a go, turned on HBA and went for a quick drive, I have noticed the high beam switched on for 2-3 seconds, then it switched off on its own...
    Vexed: Indeed you are correct -in fact, the BCM on your car has a massive 1,834 x adaptation channels (about 40% of the total number of adaptation channels in the car - depending on how many modules you have). So, trying to unravel the hidden secrets of this control module is indeed a kind-of Gordian knot!

    But, let me invite you to consider a possible way forward through this maze - and I'm guessing about this because my BCM is the older type.

    First, let's look at the software switches on the older BCMs - the instructions in your link refer to Byte 2 and specifically, Bit0 & Bit1. Here's the screen-shot of Byte 2 on my older BCM (I've expanded the drop-down options for Bit 0-2 to show the allowable settings):

    For anyone that hasn't seen this type of screen before - this is an example of the new "yellow" long coding helper screens that can be invoked by the latest Ross-Tech software (bloody terrific!).

    The acronym that is used by VW for high beam assist is FLA - probably means something evocative in German (incidentally, AFS is the front-lighting-system which controls the static cornering function in the headlights).

    So, your link talks about setting Bit0=1 and Bit1=1 which is binary 0011 and in hexadecimal speak this is equal to hex03.

    If you examine the drop-down options in my picture, 03 lines-up with an FLA facility, hence this change looks correct.

    So-far, so-good, but here is the "extrapolation" bit that is sheer hypothesis on my part: the identifiers in the drop-down box commonly refer to "Erweiterte Fernlichtsteuerung", which Mr Google translates to Extended high beam control.

    I have in my database of MQB platform vehicles an adaptation channel map of a BCM from a MY17 Aussie Tiguan (courtesy of a VWW forum colleague) which has a zero-sequence code-string (like yours). When I search through that admap, I find the following intriguing channel:ENG10578-ENG10901-Fernlicht_assistent-Erweiterte_Fernlichtsteuerung.

    This channel is intriguing (to me, at least) because the latter part of the descriptor (this is called the "Child" name) is identical to the common name in the drop-down list in my screenshot above. But, the channel is even more intriguing because on the admap in my database, the setting for this channel is AFS: Fernlicht ueber AFS! - which is exactly the wording on the drop-down options in my screen-shot for hex04 setting (remember, this admap is from a R-line Tiggy)!

    Now, as you will know, admaps only report the setting that's used for a particular adaptation channel - admaps do not report the other, un-used, allowable settings. But IMO, there is sufficient evidence in the logic that I have explained above to strongly suggest that this indeed the equivalent channel for the software switches for Byte 2, Bit0-2 in the older style BCMs (I think)

    So, as I said previously - my hypothesis is just that, it's an untested guess. But you could have a look at the other allowable options for this channel in your BCM to ascertain if they appear to offer the same options as in my screen-shot. If this happens, then you have further verification of my hypothesis.

    If your findings are positive, you might then consider whether you want to try changing the setting for this channel to the 03 setting in the pull-down option in my screenshot (i.e. AFS: FLA: BCM-Fernlicht). But you should proceed on the understaning that this is an untested suggestion- alas, you will probably be the first to attempt this tweak should you decide to proceed!

    Last edited by DV52; 20-07-2017 at 01:57 AM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    Vexed: Indeed you are correct -in fact, the BCM on your car has a massive 1,834 x adaptation channels (about 40% of the total number of adaptation channels in the car - depending on how many modules you have). So, trying to unravel the hidden secrets of this control module is indeed a kind-of Gordian knot!

    But, let me invite you to consider a possible way forward through this maze - and I'm guessing about this because my BCM is the older type.

    First, let's look at the software switches on the older BCMs - the instructions in your link refer to Byte 2 and specifically, Bit0 & Bit1. Here's the screen-shot of Byte 2 on my older BCM (I've expanded the drop-down options for Bit 0-2 to show the allowable settings):

    For anyone that hasn't seen this type of screen before - this is an example of the new "yellow" long coding helper screens that can be invoked by the latest Ross-Tech software (bloody terrific!).

    The acronym that is used by VW for high beam assist is FLA - probably means something evocative in German (incidentally, AFS is the front-lighting-system which controls the static cornering function in the headlights).

    So, your link talks about setting Bit0=1 and Bit1=1 which is binary 0011 and in hexadecimal speak this is equal to hex03.

    If you examine the drop-down options in my picture, 03 lines-up with an FLA facility, hence this change looks correct.

    So-far, so-good, but here is the "extrapolation" bit that is sheer hypothesis on my part: the identifiers in the drop-down box commonly refer to "Erweiterte Fernlichtsteuerung", which Mr Google translates to Extended high beam control.

    I have in my database of MQB platform vehicles an adaptation channel map of a BCM from a MY17 Aussie Tiguan (courtesy of a VWW forum colleague) which has a zero-sequence code-string (like yours). When I search through that admap, I find the following intriguing channel:ENG10578-ENG10901-Fernlicht_assistent-Erweiterte_Fernlichtsteuerung.

    This channel is intriguing (to me, at least) because the latter part of the descriptor (this is called the "Child" name) is identical to the common name in the drop-down list in my screenshot above. But, the channel is even more intriguing because on the admap in my database, the setting for this channel is AFS: Fernlicht ueber AFS! - which is exactly the wording on the drop-down options in my screen-shot for hex04 setting (remember, this admap is from a R-line Tiggy)!

    Now, as you will know, admaps only report the setting that's used for a particular adaptation channel - admaps do not report the other, un-used, allowable settings. But IMO, there is sufficient evidence in the logic that I have explained above to strongly suggest that this indeed the equivalent channel for the software switches for Byte 2, Bit0-2 in the older style BCMs (I think)

    So, as I said previously - my hypothesis is just that, it's an untested guess. But you could have a look at the other allowable options for this channel in your BCM to ascertain if they appear to offer the same options as in my screen-shot. If this happens, then you have further verification of my hypothesis.

    If your findings are positive, you might then consider whether you want to try changing the setting for this channel to the 03 setting in the pull-down option in my screenshot (i.e. AFS: FLA: BCM-Fernlicht). But you should proceed on the understaning that this is an untested suggestion- alas, you will probably be the first to attempt this tweak should you decide to proceed!

    Hi Don,

    Thanks for this informative post. I have to say, your hypothesis is 100% correct. I have checked the key in BCM adaption and it aligns with what you have suggested earlier... The strange thing is, it was set this way... I didn't change anything there.

    The image isn't that great, but it confirms what you have said.

    Sent from my LG-H990 using Tapatalk

  9. #39
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    I was trying toIncrease sensitivity of the throttle pedal for my sportline. but obdeleven says it was on 03. I change to 02AUDI anyway. nothing noticeable

  10. #40
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    So far, I have done via obdeleven
    1. high beam assist
    2. traffic Info
    3. Road sign
    4. enable rear light with DRL
    5. changing upper speed to 60km/s for corning fogs
    6.enable fan speed display in auto mode
    7.disable start-stop
    8.change sensitivity of the throttle pedal

    I tried a whole week to update speed camera info via custom POI , end up using other's 2015 data,and successfully updated.

    I also had problem with Road sign activation, the original setting was in fusion mode, then I change to road sign detection. It works then. i remember the Nav screen used to have a speed limit sign when i pick up the car, but it's gone after i updated the latest Map.

    I was trying to do comfort lane change indicator with 5 time instead of 3, the setting was say 0-3, no luck then.

    Wired dash camera to fuse box.

    car exterior paint protected by a detailer. I bought some DIY products to do the windscreen and all wheels. Just a bit hard to get hand inside the wheel to give inside rim and brake disk a good wipe

    pretty happy with the obdeleven and all the supports from the forum

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