That's easy The microsite lists the maximum drive away price across all states (different delivery & govt charges in each state... just think about what it might cost to ship a car to broome if you landed it in Sydney, but then NSW govt might charge more in taxes than the WA govt, etc). In other words, it's more expensive to buy a car in some states than others.
If you want to ponder something, ponder why dealer listed prices are higher than the maximum list price on the skoda site. Here's an example from a carsales victorian dealer, "2.0TDI ELEGANCE WAGON OPTIONED WITH METALLIC PAINT AND LEATHER INTERIOR." for $57,888. The pictures also show that it's got the bolero & not columbus.
According to skoda's site, the Elegance (which as I understand the new brochure comes with columbus & leather as standard) is recommended maximum $54,127.30 drive away in vic. So given the difference in the cost of columbus vs bolero, I can only assume that's about a $5k metallic paint job
Am I missing something? Did Skoda forget to tell the dealers the price & spec had changed? Why does it feel like someone's just taking the piss?