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Just got a couple of trade in offers on my Skoda Wagon (V6). Registered Feb 11 (not quite 26 months old). Cost me $63k - 57,000 km
Drum roll........
$21,900 & $20,000. Worth 34% of original value after 2 yrs. Got to be up there with the worst performing resale values of any car on the market.
Thats very poor, if reality, you would have to keep the car and run it for a few more years on that basis wouldn't you?
Current:12 Golf GTD, Mods on order -Bluefin Remap, Mods planned-plenty
Former:08 GT Sport TDI DSG Bluefin, HPA SHS Coilovers,H&R Swaybars with Whiteline Adj Links