I Just had confirmation that the Eagle has indeed landed in port Melbourne, 2 days late but still due to be in my hands on September 6th-ish.
Getting a bit excited now..![]()
Not sure... I assumed from BlueSup's expert tracking ability that it would be on the same ship as his which was the Medea. I think that when they said it arrived on the 26th - 2 days late it was that it actually got received at customs on that date & may have been moved off of the boat before that but I don't know how it all works.
Keep your eyes peeled for a 206 Business Grey Hatch with a sunroof though...![]()
And we'll both be winners!
It’s called a raw delivery. Which might be a little confusing as everyone involved is wearing clothes. So what does it mean? Cars are shipped here with some of the surface covered in white plastic, plus a few plastic bump stops. Here are two pics as an example (borrowed from Superb Order tracker - Page 85 - Skoda Superb III - BRISKODA).
A raw delivery means the car is delivered to you still in plastic. This allows the new owner to be the first person to put scratches all over the paint by washing it <strike>with an oily rag that was dropped on the sandy ground</strike>.
Why would you want this raw madness? Well, I’ve seen some brand new cars being delivered in the showroom with paint that looks like it was covered in Gumption before it was wiped off with fine grit sandpaper.
I contacted Mr S at the dealership about this type of delivery, and they are happy do it. The raw type not the Gumption type.
Now that they are aware I *really* don’t want scratched paint, we agreed to meet halfway. The plastic comes off, and so does the sticky residue left behind, but after that there is no washing. I’ll then view the car to make sure everything is in place and as ordered, hopefully closely followed by the money ceremony.
There’s plenty more to cover off before BJ McKay and his best friend Bear deliver the car to the holding yards. For the youngsters: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B._J._and_the_Bear
Number plates ordered and on the way.
Garage made car-proof; no knocking door edges on brick. Bunnings make some excellent carpets to hang from the roof between door and brick.
Insurance sorted and ready to go.
SD card being loaded with music - but what should the first song be?
And most important of all: A name.
I made a joke earlier in this piece about naming the car Fritz. My face curled up a bit when I typed that. This one feels like a girl. As it turns out, a big sister to the one that is soon to arrive for Enobar. We both entered the VINs into the Skoda app. My car was dated 17/6/2016, two days before Enobar’s. A Friday build. If this was a Holden factory I’d be worried.
As for the name? My Dad owned a 1963 EH Holden wagon. It was blue. The first car I can remember. The plates I have ordered are the same plates that were on the EH. Mum called that car “Betsy”.
SuperBetsy. Done.
And what of my return volley to the Customer Experience Ambassador about the conflicting polishing information in the owners manual? Orbiting Skoda HQ must have a problem. Perhaps their Chambers coil is overloading their comms system? (And if you get that reference without Googling it then perhaps we should get married.) No response for 10 days and counting. Should I be surprised?
Well, yes, I should be surprised. During my last phone call with Mr S, he mentioned that I would receive a survey from Orbiting Skoda HQ about my experience so far. They apparently mark this survey with a Big Red Pen and anything less than a perfect score is cause for concern. I assured Mr S that I would remember the whole process as I had been blogging about it. There was surprise in his voice so I promised to send him the link once I pick up the car. To tide him over I emailed the chapter on my Holden dealer experience.
Was that mean?
The newborn has arrived! I am told it is currently in the Skoda Nursery (the tint shop) having its windows done, and I can take it home on Friday! In a serendipitous fluke of timing, I happen to be going on a road trip which passes through the town in which my dealership resides (1 hour out of Adelaide in one of our surrounding wine districts - guess what i'll be doing on service days....) on Friday. So I'm sure I may attract odd looks from the dealer when I unload luggage out of my Subaru and into the boot of the Skoda before carrying merrily on our way.
Now down to a few small details (like please deposit many tens of thousands of hard earned dollars into the dealers bank account) and it is all sorted. Yipppeee!
Weekend fun is on the cards
And you'll be on the (refined) turps!