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Thread: Skoda Tech, and how simple and accurate it is...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Users Country Flag

    Skoda Tech, and how simple and accurate it is...

    Just had a huge giggle watching a LH600 lexus try and do an autopark with its computer at the local shopping complex in Gunghalin (simple parallel park) and hit the gutter twice. The owner thumped the steering wheel and moved forward to a double car park and parked driving in head first to the forward park. I thought ha ill show this wanker and used the Skoda's Auto park for the same space and well the car parked itself perfectly without my hands on the steering wheel. I hopped out and a few people who watched the Lexus make the mistake commented how easy my car did it.

    First time i've used it and WOW.. lol.. so impressive. I still love parking myself.. but thought why the hell not show up a 150k+ car.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    With the Skoda system you only need about 1 metre more than the length of the car they tell me. When I tried it it was freaky how fast the steering wheel turns. The system works best with a defined gutter and curb as well it's not so good where the nearside is just flat or runs to grass or similar.
    My Škoda photos here

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Adelaide hills, SA
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    The same in Tiguan, does park nicely and doesn't need much space, but remember you have to drive out of that gap. Which shouldn't be much problem because the park assist doesn't protect the car from other drivers parking too close to you.

    Nice feature, I like it, money well spent. A newer version will be even better.


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