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Thread: Skoda Superb Wins Best Diesel Award in the UK

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Melbourne, Vic
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    Skoda Superb Wins Best Diesel Award in the UK

    Unashamedly pinched from news. I gather from the article that the superb wagon is being launched here next week, which I can only assume means letting the press get their mits on a few for testing. I'm looking forward to hearing the local reviews.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by dsgfh View Post
    I'm looking forward to hearing the local reviews.
    I could probably write the reviews now. They will consist of a lot of statements like "not as good as the VW" when comparing direct things like engine and gearbox. For indirect comparisons anything great and original will be omitted and the slightly wonky piece of trim hidden under the rear seat will be highlighted.

    That's the australian motoring press - totally independent and fearless.
    My Škoda photos here

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Melbourne. Vic
    I could probably write the reviews now
    - some comment about the name "superb"
    - some insinuation about conservative Eastern Eurpean styling
    - some throw away line about the ride being a bit firm compared to 'real' premium brands
    Last edited by Swuzzlebubble; 11-05-2010 at 08:20 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Swuzzlebubble View Post
    - some comment about the name "superb"
    - some insinuation about conservative Eastern Eurpean styling
    - some throw away line about the ride being a bit firm compared to 'real' premium brands
    We joke however all this culminating in the brand stagnating further into 2010, it's a sad state of affairs

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Dulwich Hill, NSW
    I don't know that anyone has posted Richard Hammonds review of the Superb Combi form the Guardian a few weeks ago - but in summary, he named the E-class as the best estate, but the Superb Combi as the best estate apart from the E-class. The Superb is def. on the list for my next car (ground clearance issues aside.....)

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Adelaide hills, SA
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    IMO, for Skoda the Australian market is so small, that they probably destroy more cars for testing, research and development per year than they sell in Australia. So, it doesn't surprise me that they don't spend hundreds of thousand of dollars on advertising. Going slowly onto the market in OZ especially with so many brands already established is logical and rational thinking.

    Anybody who wants to buy a car and road test 2,3 or more cars and than make a decision to buy Skoda, knows why he/she is waiting and is probably already prepared for that.


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