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Thread: Phone menu not working on RNS510

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Phone menu not working on RNS510

    My Superb has a Columbus Nav (RNS510) Satnav and dealer fitted genuine bluetooth (actually a VW bluetooth system).

    The bluetooth works with the phone and mutes the sound system, the phone and volume button on the steering wheel works and can hang up the phone and adjust the volume, so all good there.

    The Phone button on the Satnav doesn't do much. All it does is mute the sound system and doesn't bring up a dialing pad on the screen as per the manual. I can't access the phones' address book (HTC Diamond or my wife's Nokia) via the screen, also there is no phone menu on the MFD in the instrument cluster.

    The dealer says this is "normal" for Skoda but I'm not convinced.

    Does anybody else have this problem?

  2. #2
    Sales @ Mentone Skoda Guest

    This time they were right

    Hi Black Superb,
    Your dealer is correct and should have explained this to you before installing the kit. All VW, Audi and Skoda's use the same Sat Nav system along with this hands free kit so all share the same minimal functionality.

    The kit is designed to be fully integrated but is not designed to give you full functionality. In Europe they have what they call the premium kit which allows you to see sms on screen, dial from the sat nav (e.g. restaurants) and see who is calling you (number, name etc).

    This kit is not available in Skoda but Audi and VW have it for the installed price of around $2,000 here in OZ. Price is a huge deterant but so is the fact that it is only compatible with 12 phones, not 12 manufacturers but literally 12 mobile phone types.

    Given the fact that you have had to post in here for a few items i am afraid that your dealer is perpetuating the poor experience levels that seem to be associated with the brand recently. I may not be the silver bullet for some of your issue's but you are welcome to send me a private message if you have any further queries i can assist with.

    Good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Thanks again Chris.

    The servicing dealer mentioned something like that but was unsure and couldn't provide me with any depth of knowledge. It was only my first service and so far the car has been performing extremely well and those two niggles are only minor in nature and don't detract from the overall vehicle.

    Interestingly, one of the vehicles on my list to buy was the Lexus IS250 and its' Satnav integrates fully with the bluetooth and mobile phones (a mate has one with the Satnav, roof and rev cam option). Another mate has the latest Audi A4 with exactly the same Satnav unit which works seamlessly with his phone (he must have paid $2K for it, ouch). I obviously didn't ask the right question when ordering and assumed it would work. (Despite the fact that the manual says it should.)

    I don't know how much training they give to their front office staff in the service department but they sell a number of different makes and maybe not all are "Skoda skilled". Interestingly, their overall service seems to be better from what I was used to at Subaru (previous car).

    Thanks for your answers anyway.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Blacksuperb - go to the Car Audio and Electronics section, and read my posts on Bluetooth options for the RNS510 (aka Columbus). The system that you have installed from the sound of it is Option 1 - i.e. the Nokia "Basic" option. As Mentone Skoda has advised, the "Premium" option (which isn't an option for Skodas) is not a good idea anyway. There are other options though - see options 2 and 3 on my Sticky - both of which fully integrate with RNS510, MFD and steering wheel, and are available here in Oz, albeit not from your dealer. If you choose the 729 (Skoda Bluetooth) there are some issues around different versions and the different MFD displays in some cars, so have a read and post back here...

    The Fiscon unit is a fairly simple install, a bit less "OEM" than the 729, but still not a bad option. If you have a factory VW OEM mic installed to the head lining console that will simplify things if you choose the 729 route. I am not sure which mic they install with the Nokia kit in Skodas...

    So all is not lost, but it will cost you some more $ to get where you want to be...

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    That's what I was looking for! Thanks.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    You're most welcome...

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swallowtail View Post
    ....If you have a factory VW OEM mic installed to the head lining console that will simplify things if you choose the 729 route. I am not sure which mic they install with the Nokia kit in Skodas....
    I emailed the Polish guy on Fleabay and he said his kits don't work with the Nokia mike. You would have to install the one that comes with the kit.

    Still at US$439 including priority postage, it's on the "doable" list. Especially with the US$ rate getting better day by day.

    Any ideas on somebody in Sydney who would do the install and has access to a VAGCOM?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    The strong $ helps. I don't know anyone in Sydney to fit one, sorry. Fitting is awkward but not impossible if you are handy. Someone on here will have vagcom that you can use I'd have thought.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Newcastle NSW
    Would the kit from Poland work with the bolero stereo ie no Columbus unit.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Quote Originally Posted by mjd View Post
    Would the kit from Poland work with the bolero stereo ie no Columbus unit.
    I honestly couldn't tell you, sorry. If it has a quadlock connector on the back the same as the Columbus, then possibly. Does it have an onscreen phone menu?

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