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Thread: Next Gen Superb - 17/2/15

  1. #171
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by OilBurna View Post
    Hope it gets sorted soon Woofy

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Just found out that along with the manager being away which I discovered last week when I needed a quick answer, thst the salesperson is moving to essendon Skoda next week so I'm being hand balled. This happened last time I bought a car and it ended up in disaster as no one was ready for me or knew much.

  2. #172
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    A car I will have, in about 3 weeks. It has just been landed. The information I was told is, there are no 206s left unallocated in Australia. (There maybe one Black one with beige interior, on hold for an order yet to be confirmed) That is it. If you want to order one now, come back when the boat comes in, in about 6 months. All here are late2015 builds, with no knee airbag or 'privacy glass'. That includes those offloaded yesterday. Window tint fixes the latter & is essential in Australia anyway. The former ought to be able to be fitted at service, but I gather VAG/Skoda Oz don't want to stump up for the cost. (salesperson muttering)

  3. #173
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    I think there is a lot of confusing information out there. The 206 I test drove had privacy glass but the 162 I looked at did not. All of the sedans I saw had the rear bumper cutout for a tow bar but none of the wagons had it, yet a tow bar seems to be a dealer fit option.

  4. #174
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2009fsi View Post
    A car I will have, in about 3 weeks. It has just been landed. The information I was told is, there are no 206s left unallocated in Australia. (There maybe one Black one with beige interior, on hold for an order yet to be confirmed) That is it. If you want to order one now, come back when the boat comes in, in about 6 months. All here are late2015 builds, with no knee airbag or 'privacy glass'. That includes those offloaded yesterday. Window tint fixes the latter & is essential in Australia anyway. The former ought to be able to be fitted at service, but I gather VAG/Skoda Oz don't want to stump up for the cost. (salesperson muttering)
    The dealers weren't happy about their demos being incomplete, they got them ages ago. For what its worth, my 3rd wk build Octavia was sitting by itself at the dock for several weeks until Feb when the Superbs turned up. So it would be odd if they were 2015 build unless they had them all sitting for ages somewhere else. The dealers don't know if they have the airbags or not until they physically get them, they honestly know jack all, they didn't even know their demos were going to be missing stuff until a few weeks back even though they had been in Oz since last year. BTW the boat came into Melb Monday last week and in NSW later last week. They are all still sitting at customs last Friday here but looks like I will get mine next week so maybe they finally got out.

    The next boat isn't 6mths away, but by the time a factory order is built it would likely take that long. All assuming the dealers don't have monthly build allocations which of course they do but probably have a long waiting list to fill each one.

  5. #175
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    True woofy, the dealers don't know, unless the Skoda regional manager gives them the detail of the particular car in the pipeline. In my case it is confirmed the car just offloaded is late 2015 build, without airbag or privacy. For that they want a waiver acknowledging you know, offset by a discount.

    Build date is a big issue in other markets. Our rules on what is 'new', with the smoke & mirrors of build date versus plate date, make it an MY16 to buy, a 2015 to sell. A con job government is happy to let the industry get away with, hence we're getting the clear out of cars less saleable in other markets, imho. For me it is pretty irrelevant, as long as you negotiate well because of it & keep long enough for the depreciation difference to become minor. Usually the car is the same, regardless.

    I'm happy to be moving from B6 V6 to B8 206. Every time I get into the 2009/MY10 B6 version, the narrowness of the seat & the pedal offset because of the right side wheel well intrusion, reminds me of why I'm buying the B8 206. It isn't a problem for short distances, but long distances on country roads where you have to 'drive' a lot should be much more comfortable in the new car.

  6. #176
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    Just got the call before, mine is getting delivered mid next week and will be ready for pickup. Pity I'm away from that exact date, but could see it coming. It seems some people signed that waiver, but then found out they had the airbag afterall. Does sound like the Oz market got another strange stash of shipments.

  7. #177
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    Checked out the Business Grey in the sun today. Really is the business.

    The interior of the Superb is of such high quality, it really shames more expensive marques, and the sedan looks much better in the flesh. A really good looking car. Wagon for us is more practical, but sedan is almost the better looker.

    Can't wait to get it now.

  8. #178
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    Agreed i am favouring the sedan this version. Looks a tad less bulky and still has plenty of capacity. The sedan is a good looking car.

    "Via Tapatalk"

  9. #179
    Join Date
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    After seeing the colours we have available in Australia I thought I’d look at the colours available where the car is built.
    We get:
    Less white
    More Grey
    Lots more Grey

    But just look at what is available!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Next Gen Superb - 17/2/15-colours-jpg  

  10. #180
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    It is disappointing, I think it is possible to order no standard colours if one has the code and is pushy enough. Shame they are so conservative with the colour options.

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