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Thread: MY11 118TSI with multiple issues - record of experience with Skoda AU

  1. #1
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    MY11 118TSI with multiple issues - record of experience with Skoda AU

    The car is a MY11 Skoda Superb 118TSI wagon with approx 132,000 km. I've owned it since December 2013 @ 45,000 km.

    Its recently developed a few issues. The breadth and scope of them is concerning, given the low mileage.

    I had the car serviced at a local independent until they went out of business about 18 months ago. I've done the servicing myself since.

    I've created this post as a record of my dealings with Skoda AU. I thought this may be of interest to other Superb/Skoda owners.

    I'm going through a Skoda service centre in Wodonga, VIC (approx 1h 45min away) as there is no Skoda dealer / service centre where I live in Wagga Wagga NSW.

    The issues are as follows:

    1. Timing Chain rattle:
    - Occasionally, I hear a rattle from the engine for 2-3 seconds after start-up
    - I first heard this noise approx 2 weeks ago, but it only occurs intermittently (perhaps 1 out of every 10 starts)
    - There are nil warning lights or other abnormalities associated with this problem
    - Online research suggests that the noise could be a timing chain rattle, which could potentially mean that the timing chain tensioner is slackening
    - I'm worried that this could lead to the timing chain jumping teeth, which could lead to significant engine damage
    - This is the highest priority issue

    2. Oil consumption
    - the car has always used a little oil between services, which is normal for the 118TSI as I understand
    - However, I have noticed that the consumption has been increasing during the last ~30,000 km
    - I've done my own measurements since the last service (@129,000 km) and it appears that the engine is consuming oil at the rate of approx 600ml per 1000 km
    - this rate seems excessive

    3. Leaking coolant
    - approx 10,000 km ago, I noticed small puddles of coolant on my garage floor on a periodic basis
    - the engine discharges 1-2 teaspoons of coolant at a time, but it only does it at cold start-up (e.g. first drive in the morning)
    - I got the system pressure-tested at a local radiator place in late 2016. They found a very small leak from the thermostat housing
    - They advised that fixing this fault would be a big job, as the intake manifold needs to be removed to access the thermostat housing

    4. DSG shudder
    - if the transmission is warm, the 7 spd DSG tends to shudder at takeoff and first-to-second
    - the car has done this for over 70,000 km, and it doesn't appear to be getting any worse
    - Is this a common issue, and can it be rectified?

    5. Rattle at rear of car
    - When the rear wheels pass over a speed hump, a loud metallic rattle can be heard from the rear.
    - The sound can be heard from outside the car or inside the car if the windows are open. I’ve had a look under the car at home, and a similar sound is made when I tap on the exhaust heat shield near the rear subframe.
    - This may be the source of the noise, but I’m not sure.

    I'm taking the car to them this Friday for an initial check.

    They have been very helpful over the phone thus far. I've been warned that these issues will require significant work to fix (apparently the timing chain issue will probably be an engine-out job), but the service manager is optimistic that they can get Skoda to come to the party for a share of costs.

    I'll keep you posted. Any hints/tips would be appreciated.


  2. #2
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    Oct 2007
    ["- the car has always used a little oil between services, which is normal for the 118TSI as I understand
    - However, I have noticed that the consumption has been increasing during the last ~30,000 km
    - I've done my own measurements since the last service (@129,000 km) and it appears that the engine is consuming oil at the rate of approx 600ml per 1000 km
    - this rate seems excessive"]

    What have you done differently in the last 30k km? Different oil? What oil are you using? Fully Synth 5w40/5w30?
    Usually high oil usage is apparent from early in the cars life.

    you have the 7 speed dry clutch DSG. The shudder could be the clutch packs. Could cost $$$$ to fix

    Metallic sound at rear. do you have a tow bar? Also check the hangers for the rear of the exhaust system. It could be hitting the heat shield. OTherwise check to make sure the spare wheel, jack, etc are all secured.

  3. #3
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    I've done nothing different in the last ~30,000 km. Car is being driven as normal. I use Castrol Edge 5W30, fully synthetic.

    I do have a towbar, but the hitch is not fitted except when I'm using it. I'll check the spare wheel/jack etc

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    Current: 2011 Skoda Superb Ambition Estate 118TSI

    Previous: 2006 Polo GTi

  4. #4
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    Try a slightly thicker 5w-40 oil at your next service - you might find it reduces the consumption. I use a 5w-40 Penrite Enviro+ oil in my Mk6 GTI (basically the same engine as your car, but with a 2.0L capacity instead of 1.8L). I still have a small oil consumption issue (maybe several hundred ml every 1,500-2,000km) but its better than when using 5w-30.

    Timing chain - common on these engines prior to MY2012 when they revised the timing chain tensioner. I have also has this in my 2010 MK6 GTI and had to fork out around $1200 to have the parts replaced. Make sure you also get the timing chain replaced in addition to the tensioner and guides as the chains stretch.

    Coolant - water pumps are also very common on these engines. Crappy design and they are made of plastic so they are designed to fail basically and will never last a long time. The plastic cracks and they leak.

    DSG shudder - thats the 7 speed DSG for you. In addition to burnt clutches and failed mechatronics (the electronic brain that controls the gearbox), the shudder is another "feature" of this particular gearbox.

    Metallic noise - cant help you there. With the km's on your car perhaps your shocks or shock mounts are worn and making noise. Worn shock mounts on VW/Audi/Skoda is also a common issue.
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  5. #5
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    Thanks for the replies guys.

    Lucas: did that $1200 repair cost include labour? Was it an engine out job? Finally, VW dealer or independent mechanic?


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Current: 2011 Skoda Superb Ambition Estate 118TSI

    Previous: 2006 Polo GTi

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by PoloBlack View Post
    Thanks for the replies guys.

    Lucas: did that $1200 repair cost include labour? Was it an engine out job? Finally, VW dealer or independent mechanic?

    No need to remove the engine. That price included the new updated design chain tensioner, some new guides for the timing chain, new timing case cover, new dipstick tube (plastic rubbish and it broke when they were doing the work), and new bolts etc as needed. The only thing i didnt have replaced was the timing chain itself - which at the time i was not aware was an issue, but later realised these stretch and its a good idea to replace the chain too. About $600 in parts.

    The rest of that cost was labour.

    Work was done at my local Audi dealer (local VW is useless and i wont go back) as my brother worked there at the time and i had some contacts there.

    Nearly forgot....the engine oil has to be drained when doing this work so i saved a bit by providing my own oil and oil filter for the guys to use.
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  7. #7
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    Awesome. I have found guides online showing that it's not an engine out job: I think the full chain can be accessed by removing coolant overflow, RH engine mount, dipstick tube and other adjacent bits. Good tip on the oil/filter too, I have multiples of both.

    We'll see how it pans out on Friday

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    Current: 2011 Skoda Superb Ambition Estate 118TSI

    Previous: 2006 Polo GTi

  8. #8
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    Checks done today confirmed that timing chain has stretched beyond limits. Due to engine build date, this necessitates new timing chain and new pistons. Apparently the concern is that a stretched chain saps oil pressure (as the tensioner is driven by oil pressure) and this results in the pistons being inadequately lubricated. The rings wear aggressively, hence the coincident high oil consumption.

    Dealer will speak to Skoda and see what they are willing to contribute to repairs.

    Also, coolant leak is emanating from water pump.

    Should get a call back next week

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    Current: 2011 Skoda Superb Ambition Estate 118TSI

    Previous: 2006 Polo GTi

  9. #9
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    Got a call back from Brooks Motors (Skoda) Wodonga today.

    Skoda AU have agreed to fund full cost (parts and labour) for replacement of timing chain, tensioner, pistons and DSG clutch pack. A pretty awesome result given that the car:
    a) is ~2.5 years out of warranty
    b) has not been dealer-serviced in the 3 years that I've owned it (self-serviced)

    Brooks didn't submit a claim for the water pump, as they aren't certain whether its the water pump or thermostat housing that is leaking coolant. However, the source of the leak will be obvious and easy to rectify when they have the engine out to do the other jobs. Even if Skoda AU don't come to the party on this repair, I'm financially miles ahead of what I anticipated

    I've just got to wait for all the parts to come in, and then I can take the car in for repair. It will likely be off the road for 2-3 weeks due to the DSG repair (apparently shims required for install cant be ordered in advance, as custom sized shims are required for every clutch pack install). Brooks is helping me out with a loan car to keep me moving (not free, but much cheaper than hiring).

    If this all goes to plan, I'll be very pleased.

    Outstanding service from both Brooks Skoda Wodonga and Skoda AU. A great way to encourage brand loyalty.

    Current: 2011 Skoda Superb Ambition Estate 118TSI

    Previous: 2006 Polo GTi

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Illawarra NSW

    Are you sure its the timing chain rattle ? I replaced the tensioner on my TSI Octavia , (cost about $600, kit from the US), the rattle turned out to be the fuel rail rattling on start up.
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