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Thread: My Skoda DSG Recall Experience

  1. #1
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    My Skoda DSG Recall Experience

    Hello Everyone,

    I wanted to share my DSG recall experience and Skoda customer service. I bought a used 2009 Skoda Superb after confirming with Skoda that it was subject to a recall. It developed Shuddering issues after a couple of months and I took it to my car dealer to be fixed under the Statuatory warranty. Whilst getting fixed, the Skoda dealership advised my car dealer that my car was under recall and if they should go ahead with the work. After getting a nod from my dealer, they kept the car for additional few days and delivered it to my dealer. While checking my car after delivary, i found that they had left a new mechatronics unit, couple of bottles of gear oil and a repair kit in my boot, indicating that they did not do the recall service and had some sort of mis-communication.

    I have been in touch with Skoda customer care for a couple of months over the phone/email now. They assured me that the letters are being sent out soon and they were waiting for mechatronics parts to be delivered in Australia. My dealer called the Skoda dealership and he was advised that they had advised their sub-contracted workshop located at other place and that it was some mistake my that workshop. I called the workshop today and told them about the scenario, and they indicated that the main dealership told them not to do the recall service. The guy on the phone knew my registration number. He sounded bit desperate and agitated and told me several times that I need to take the parts back to them. On asking whether i can get my recall service done on the same day as I take the parts in, he advised that they have to book it for another day. I have advised the main Skoda customer care about this issue and they have advised me to take the parts in and assured that the recall service should be done soon.

    I am taking the parts in today. I will see what happens next, but i have to say I am dissapointed with the customer service that I have received so far. I understand that the misunderstanding is with the dealership in question and not with the Skoda/VW brand instead. I would see what happens next and keep you guys informed about the happenings so that prople undergoing the recall service would get some guidance.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    I wouldn't take the parts in until the car was recalled.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ozsko View Post
    I wouldn't take the parts in until the car was recalled.
    amen to that.

    don't take the parts back, just keep them and use them as a kind of bribe to get the work done!!!

    Let us know how it went
    MY12 - Octavia vRS Liftback, Brilliant Silver Metallic - Revo Stage 2
    MY12 - Superb Ambition Wagon, Black Magic pearl effect

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Ordinary mate. Customer service is so fricken easy to do well. It just takes someone to give two ****s :/ Even if you discover someone has screwed up (which happens no matter what processes you have in place), you go the extra mile to minimise the impact on the customer and make it right.

  5. #5
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    Can you tell me what DSG your 2009 Superb has. Six or seven speed? I thought only the seven speeds had a recall. Mine is a six and has the characteristic and very annoying pause from time to time. Particularly evident at roundabouts. My dealer just kisses me off!!

  6. #6
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    Sorry for the late reply guys...I was held up with some other work and totally forgot about this post...Well the update is that my car still has not had the recall service!...I took the parts in on the day I started this thread and the dealer confirmed that there was some mixup...he said they would get back to be which they did not...upon calling, i was told that that the service was not done as the parts were not a match for my car and they are waiting for the right parts to come in and would call forward three weeks and nothing has been done yet!..i contacted the main Skoda/VW customer service email and told them about this matter. They have 'assured' me that they would send a copy of the recall letter in mail by next the mean time I emailed the service manager from the dealership and haven't received any response yet...lets see what happens next

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sprightlybob View Post
    Can you tell me what DSG your 2009 Superb has. Six or seven speed? I thought only the seven speeds had a recall. Mine is a six and has the characteristic and very annoying pause from time to time. Particularly evident at roundabouts. My dealer just kisses me off!!
    Its a 2009 7 speed 1.8 TSI...before buying the car I had called the Skoda customer service number and they confirmed that my car was subject to a recall after checking my VIN number...i think the 6 speed DSG is excluded from the recall...but you can call the main customer service number for Skoda/VW and they can do a confirmation for you

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Speedfighter View Post
    amen to that.

    don't take the parts back, just keep them and use them as a kind of bribe to get the work done!!!

    Let us know how it went
    Should have done that...was too occupied with other stuff to run around for this....well, lesson learned for next time

  9. #9
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    Our 2011 superb is booked in for recall.

    I'm also querying a shudder/pause on take off under warranty. Is this what you guys are experiencing as well? Some days it doesn't exist, otherdays its every take off. Its embarrassing, kind of like it's slipping. Maybe clutch Packs?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by merkin View Post
    Our 2011 superb is booked in for recall.

    I'm also querying a shudder/pause on take off under warranty. Is this what you guys are experiencing as well? Some days it doesn't exist, otherdays its every take off. Its embarrassing, kind of like it's slipping. Maybe clutch Packs?
    Yes. That was pretty much the same issue with my car. A clutch replacement and software update has seemed to resolved the issue for now. With mechatronics replacement, hopefully this issue is resolved for good. Make sure you bring it to their notice and try and get some work done.

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