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Activate and see ?
I tried it last night, but I'm not sure if maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree. I was able to set the following in the Arteon:
Verdecksteuergeraet-Kick_and_close = Installed
Byte9_VIP-Coding_kick and_close_function = Active
But it didn't change anything.
The reason I'm not sure if this is the right setting is because there's no German -> English translation word (that I can find on Google) for "Verdecksteuergeraet". And when I search for that word on Google, it shows me a hardware module for convertible cars. So I *think* this might be related to "kick to close" for soft tops/convertibles.
But our Superb isn't convertible, a soft top, or has a sunroof.
Interesting, the 6D-Trunk Electrics adaptions between the Arteon and the Superb are pretty much identical. The only difference is how far things open, minimum height etc.
My car: MY18 Arteon
My car #2: MY22 Volvo XC40 Pure Electric
Her car: MY22 Skoda Octavia Limited Edition Wagon