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Thread: 103TDI 4x4 Vs 125TDI

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by aware View Post
    ?.... so we should pretty much hand the Honda back to the lease company and take the Skoda. Can't wait!
    May I suggest that you try this out first rather than simply hand it back:

    Vehicle Auctions, Car Auctions, Online Auction - Pickles Auctions Australia

    Recently I auctioned my Accord Euro through them. It sold ~ $3500 more than my pay out figure within 2 weeks. Even after commission and detailing cost, I still made a profit of almost $2500. Lease company sell their car through services like this anyway.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by VAG newbie View Post
    May I suggest that you try this out first rather than simply hand it back:

    Vehicle Auctions, Car Auctions, Online Auction - Pickles Auctions Australia

    Recently I auctioned my Accord Euro through them. It sold ~ $3500 more than my pay out figure within 2 weeks. Even after commission and detailing cost, I still made a profit of almost $2500. Lease company sell their car through services like this anyway.

    We are on an operating lease, not a novated lease. All we do is just choose the car and options, and that's it - the lease company does the rest. We don't have a pay out figure etc - the car is kept for 3 years, and then changed on the expiration of the rego at the end of the 3rd year.

  3. #33
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    Interesting. Never heard of that before. So what happens if you thrash the car around so that at the end of the lease there are 200,000km on the clock, and the car is virtually worthless? Does the lease company just swollow up the loss?

  4. #34
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    I haven't read all 34 posts of this thread, so maybe I missed, and a bit late by the sounds of it now, but did you ever consider getting the 4wd 103tdi and doing an engine mgt system mode to lift it up to 125kw. Those are available, provided the gear box and clutch are up to it, at a bit more cost could have the 4wd and some extra grunt? I dont know if anyone has done that reflash in the Tig forum, a few talked about, but not sure if anyone has, but no doubt someone in the forum with a 103tdi in some VAG version has done

    anyway something to consider. Its not the 2.5tdi, but I think the power and torque outputs are quite comparable
    Tiguan TSI Catalina blue, Manual

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by VAG newbie View Post
    Interesting. Never heard of that before. So what happens if you thrash the car around so that at the end of the lease there are 200,000km on the clock, and the car is virtually worthless? Does the lease company just swollow up the loss?
    You just drive it to the dealer and hand them the keys. They make sure that the car is in reasonable condition aesthetic wise so there will be no additional charges. All done and finished.

    If the lease was with a commercial lease company, they won't be losing money on it. You pay them per kilometer you drive and you also pay for the fuel that you use, plus you pay for other stuff, depreciation, tyres etc. The benefit is that you pay in pre-tax dollars.

    Or you may find that that some employers (like the one I work for), finance the vehicle themselves, and cut out the lease company altogether. They may subcontract out the maintenance and fuel management.

    I'll be handing mine back in September and it should have around 90,000km on the clock. It's a 125TDI and has been flawless so far. Expect to see it at the auctions around that time.
    Last edited by BlackSuperb; 27-01-2012 at 08:13 PM.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlackSuperb View Post

    I'll be handing mine back in September and it should have around 90,000km on the clock. It's a 125TDI and has been flawless so far. Expect to see it at the auctions around that time.
    I envy you.... So far with the dealer's courtesy Superb, there have been no problem either. How come my car has to have problem only 4 days after having it. I've waited for 6 months and I'm still waiting....

    Anyway, Please let us know how much you get for your car. Since resale of the Superb has been a mystery, let us know how it performs.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by VAG newbie View Post
    Interesting. Never heard of that before. So what happens if you thrash the car around so that at the end of the lease there are 200,000km on the clock, and the car is virtually worthless? Does the lease company just swollow up the loss?
    That can't really happen - you are expected to maintain the vehicle as if it is your own. Kms are monitored as well - over the life of the car (at least in our case) the projected kms change depending on usage - for us, we'll hand the Accord back with around 50,000kms in just over 3 years - for us this is below the projected kms, mainly due to dad living overseas for the best part of the last 18 months. However as part of the payment for the car every month, all running costs and the actual car are covered in the payments. We have a fleet card that is used to pay for the fuel in the car, all servicing, and even in December when the battery died, the replacement. Even when the battery was replaced the lease company asked for the odometer reading - the odo reading has to be given at every fill up as well, so the kms are constantly monitored.

    Quote Originally Posted by BlackSuperb View Post
    I'll be handing mine back in September and it should have around 90,000km on the clock. It's a 125TDI and has been flawless so far.
    That's great to read waiting for ours!

  8. #38
    Join Date
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    How about Passat Allroad Wagon to be released shortly.4x4 and 125TDI.Might be pricey though.
    Best of luck.
    2006 2wd Kombi Beach Man.

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