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Thread: Wiper resevoir... no warning?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Quote Originally Posted by dilbert_rocks View Post
    How many programming options are there? It would be great to know what could/should be asked for when purchasing the car, ie: if this forum could generate a list?

    Are the options described throughout the manual?

    Just found this (as a start)...
    Are any of these thing programmable by the owner, does anyone know?

  2. #12
    flu!d Guest
    The Oz spec Jetta V does not have the low washer sensor fitted from the factory. The warning can be enabled using VAG-COM or the VAS 5052 but it just goes off all the time due to the fact that the sensor is not fitted to the washer bottle.

    And they're called 'dealers'....Not 'stealers'....

    ....Comming from someone that's a VW service manager.

  3. #13
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    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by flu!d View Post
    The Oz spec Jetta V does not have the low washer sensor fitted from the factory. The warning can be enabled using VAG-COM or the VAS 5052 but it just goes off all the time due to the fact that the sensor is not fitted to the washer bottle.

    And they're called 'dealers'....Not 'stealers'....

    ....Comming from someone that's a VW service manager.
    The are definitely 'stealers', no doubt about that; but is there anywhere in Oz (online) or in Sydney where you can pickup a VAG-COM and how much is it roughly?

  4. #14
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    Guy H is the importer I believe, the software is free but the cable costs you instead.

    I have a genuine one which is far superior to the cheapy ones on ebay. The functionality of the software on the genuine cables is way above the "shareware style" that works with the cheapies.

    I think my cable was $300 US, I'll have it at nationals if you or anyone else wants scanning.


  5. #15
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    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by flu!d View Post
    The Oz spec Jetta V does not have the low washer sensor fitted from the factory. The warning can be enabled using VAG-COM or the VAS 5052 but it just goes off all the time due to the fact that the sensor is not fitted to the washer bottle.

    And they're called 'dealers'....Not 'stealers'....

    ....Comming from someone that's a VW service manager.

    Welcome to the forum Flu!d. Hope you enjoy your stay. What do you drive? WHich state are you located in?

    I know calling dealers stealers may seem a little harsh but in general that is the rep that they have gotten themselves. Having said that the dealer i went to in Brisbane was fantastic and i wouldnt be calling them stealers. Having said that its not just VW people who call them that either. Every forum ive been on (quite alot) have the same name for them.
    Last edited by shaneth; 31-03-2007 at 02:38 PM.
    For Sale 2006 VW Polo GTI
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  6. #16
    flu!d Guest
    Are they 'stealers' because you believe they charge you too much for servicing, are they stealers simply because they did not fix your problem first time or are they stealers simply because you do not like dealers and you believe joe bloggs backyard mechanic can do a better job? (yes, there are people that simply do not like dealers "because they don't"?!)

    Because being a service manager at a VW dealership I deal with all kinds of customers, and quite frankly, I believe more and more the modern customer is an unreasonable ******** (parden the lingo, but I just don't know how else to describe these individuals)....Now don't get me wrong, I give these people the upmost of service and I am always plesant and nice to their face, even when they are talking to me like I am a piece of crap....But really, do you guyz calling dealers 'stealers' go to work everyday and get spoken to like crap? Would you enjoy your job and go out of your way to help the general public if you 'did' get spoken to like crap by at least one of them daily? Do you make mistakes at work? When you make mistakes do you expect to be spoken to like worthless garbage by the general public? I'm quite sure you don't....

    You people need to understand that, suprise, suprise, we are actually there to help you....We are not there to delibrately piss you off and we are not there to delibratly cost you a fortune just because we feel like it (however, always remember, we are also not a charity....No more that any of you guyz are in your line of buisness), so why the need to call us names and treat us like utter rubbish when we work on your car? Hell, i've had female service receptionists crying at the counter over the way a customer was speaking to her, and we haden't even worked on the vehicle in question yet?! We've had customers call staff members names for no reason whatsoever, they wern't even serving the customer in question, and when told to leave the service department they went wild....To the point where we were forced to call the police, and even then the customer kept snatching the phone out of the staff members hand!

    Yes, we do occationally misdiagnose faults....Contrary to popular belief we cannot simply put our hands on the vehicle and 'feel it's pain' so from time to time we do make mistakes....Sometimes we can even make the same mistake twice [gasp!] - Do you all have any idea just how complex these vehicles are? Do you all know how hard it is to find a decent technician these days?! Not a grease monkey, a technician? You can't, they all left and pumped septic tanks for a living because the pay was better...And that poses a significant problem for the automotive trade in general. Think of that fact next time you think that your service was expensive, are plumbers cheap? Are builders cheap? Because last time I checked they definatly were not....And they're tradesmen just like the technicians working on your car, and i'm sure you'd prefer a technician working on your car over a grease monkey....Also bear in mind that with the costs of training, tooling and numerous other expenses that cost service departments very large sums of money each month, such costs have to be reflected in the cost per hour of servicing....That's how the world works unfortunatlely.

    And guyz....The factory determines the pricing of parts, not us....The amount we put on top of the price we purchace the parts for really isn't as much as you would like to believe....

    ...And it's not our fault the part for your imported european car is on backorder....

    ....And it's not our fault that [insert fault here] is not covered by warrenty....We are just frontline, the facory determines what is/is not covered by warrenty.

    ....And your vehicle will not be serviced/repaired any faster or better if you stand there and watch it being done....In fact the techs may make mistakes easier due to the pressure you're putting them under. And if you make your way into the workshop...You 'will' be booted out for saftey reasons.

    Please guyz, think of the above points the next time you have an issue with a dealer....Work together with the dealer (yes, we will do that if you are nice about it) and the issue will be resolved a hell of a lot faster and easier.

    And remember....We didn't build the car.


    Thank you for the warm welcome. I drive a brand new '07 2.0 TDI Jetta with the factory sports handleing kit and 6 speed DSG that I have modded to 125kw's and added the traditional 'red' TDi badge on the rear....I love the car and as soon as I get a chance I am gonna post pics of it on these forums so everyone can see it!

    To anyone interested, I purchaced the VAG-COM software and OBD-II can capable lead off ebay in the USA for about $80.00 shipped....On my laptop it works a treat and is actually better and easier to use in many ways that the VAG supplied VAS 5052. If you're a dub owner and you don't have VAG-COM do yourself a favour and get it.

    Cheers guyz and I hope to visit these forums more often....
    Last edited by flu!d; 31-03-2007 at 04:28 PM.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by flu!d View Post
    Are they 'stealers' because you believe they charge you too much for servicing, are they stealers simply because they did not fix your problem first time or are they stealers simply because you do not like dealers and you believe joe bloggs backyard mechanic can do a better job? (yes, there are people that simply do not like dealers "because they don't"?!)
    Last edited by drb999; 31-03-2007 at 04:22 PM. Reason: let's keep it friednly...

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    drb999, mate you have to remember that not all dealers are the same i know from where i am, one was bad and one was fantastic, all i need to do is make a phone call and they will help me out. Before i got my car they bent over backwards and now that i have it i have had letters checking on me and phone calls. So Fluid does have good points but i know that not all are like this.
    Last edited by shaneth; 31-03-2007 at 04:04 PM.
    For Sale 2006 VW Polo GTI
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  9. #19
    flu!d Guest

    It woulden't be fair for me to comment on your situation with your dealer as I just don't know the specifics and I cannot comment on something based on your unavoidably biased point of view (not saying that is nessecarily wrong, just biased in the friendliest sence).

    But as an example I have had one specific customer ring me from Sydney (We are based in Melbourne) to inform me that we had scratched her car and lost/damaged her heater control knobs and radio....This particular customer rang me 10 days after the service, and she was 'demanding' that we pay for the repairs to her vehicle.

    Now, number one, why was she ringing me ten days after the fact....?

    Number two, she had driven from Melbourne to Sydney, anything could have happened to that vehicle and scratched it, some of which that customer may have not even been aware that the scratch had occured.

    Number three....

    ...We serviced the vehicle, why on earth would we have touched the customers heater controls or their radio?!

    Most likely the vehicle had been broken into and someone had attempted to steal the radio and possibly even scratched the vehicle in spite when they coulden't get the unit out of the dashboard.

    Yet somehow my department was coping the blame for the problems with this vehicle and I was 'expected' to foot the bill?!

    People just seem to think 'the dealer can afford it, they're bigger than I am'.

    Can you imagine the reaction when I very calmly and nicely stated that I would 'not' be footing the bill for the repairs to the vehicle.

  10. #20
    brackie Guest

    OK. Enough said.

    I'm probably to blame for starting all of this by using the term "stealers". I did this because it amused me, not because I have anything personally against any one dealer or any of the staff that work at a dealer's establishment.

    I'd like this to stop here and I'm prepared to take the blame for starting it. Fluid, I've pmed you with an apology and I unreservedly take back anything that I may have written to offend you. I hope that I speak also for other contributors to this thread.

    All of us want this forum to maintain its friendly, cooperative atmosphere so I will delete all posts relating to this subject from this thread if any further escalation occurs.

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