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Thread: What regulator? controls? what?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Users Country Flag

    What regulator? controls? what?

    Hi guys, please if you can help me locate what regulator that controls windscreen washer pump and cigarette lighter (charger).

    Both don't work and I think it related. My wipers work fine?

    I have a 2007 Mk5 TDI 2L GT model golf. BMN engine.

    I have tested all my fuses under the steering and bonnet. Thinking it some sort of regulator module?

    Does anyone have a pix of what the fuse boxes look like. Or what is responsible for what.
    I can not find it in my book , for some reason.

    Any help would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Matraville, NSW
    Users Country Flag

    Hey ak77,

    First things first let's break it down.

    Your cigarette lighter doesn't work and your windscreen washers don't work. As far as I know neither of those components runs on the same circuit (actually I'm almost certain of this) so they're probably different problems.

    In order to check the ciggie lighter circuit, the easiest place is to check the fuses inside the drivers door dash panel (the part of the dash that gets covered by the door when you shut it). There should be a card with the listing of all the fuses that are present. I think the number you are looking for is 49 from memory (normally it has a little cigarette symbol next to it). Check that one. If it isn't that, then by the sounds of things its time to head to an auto-elec because you're not going to have the skills to fix it from there.

    Next problem. Washer jets. Start by turning your key to the on position and activating the washers. Listen for a distinct buzzing noise (leaving the engine off makes this much easier to hear). Two options from there. First, If you do hear a buzzing noise its a fairly straightforward answer. Either one of three things as gone wrong: 1) You've run out of water (Re-fill the washer bottle/fix it if there's a hole in the bottle); 2) The lines/jets are blocked (Grab a needle and try to unclog the jets then blow air through the lines); 3) The pump has let go internally (New pump time). Second, if you don't hear a buzzing noise, its time to delve into that fuse panel again and look for the washer symbol on the card and check the fuse (can't for the life of me remember the number). If that fuse checks out, then you've got some more serious issues. It could be that the pump is burnt out, or the wiring to the pump is damaged or even that the wiper stalk is damaged so best to head to an auto-elec to get things checked out further.

    Hope this helps,

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