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Thread: VCOM HELP - Mirror Indicator

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2019
    Point Cook
    Users Country Flag

    VCOM HELP - Mirror Indicator

    I bought a 2007 VW Golf 2.0 FSI for my daughter who is learning to drive. The RHF signal on the mirror isn't working....the lens was broken so I assumed that was it. However, it wasn't the issue.
    So I removed the inner door panel but can't seem to figure it out.
    I did notice it is a fairly new window motor door controller so perhaps the previous owners just never noticed it wasn't working after replacing that and didn't have it programmed ???

    I bought it from auction so can't contact the previous owners.

    My question is does anyone know of someone in the Melbourne area (I am in Point Cook) that will not charge me an arm and a nut to check to see if this is the issue. It is just a cheap car so not willing to pay someone to spend heaps of time diagnosing it...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Melbourne, Victoria
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Goulburn NSW

    Yep highly likely it was not coded correctly. Happend to me a few years back had the door control module replaced under warranty and the indicator didn’t work. The dealer tried blaming it on me. Telling me I should check the globe.
    So the previous owner may have suffered the same fate... recoding should get it sorted and by the looks of it some one is into it

    All the best

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