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Thread: tfsi stage 2 jetta burning oil extremely quick

  1. #1

    tfsi stage 2 jetta burning oil extremely quick

    My 2006 revo stage 2 jetta with the BWA engine is consuming around 1.5L of oil in 3 weeks, any suggestions has anyone experienced their mk5 having this level of thirst for oil.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Users Country Flag
    That's a lot. How many km's are you driving in 3 weeks?

    Assuming its not leaking onto the ground and you are actually burning 1.5L of oil every 3 weeks, id be trying a thicker oil (5w-40 like this which is slightly thicker when warm: Penrite Enviro+ Engine Oil - 5W-40 5 Litre | Supercheap Auto) but I dare say you have a problem (eg piston rings, valve stem seals, rear main seal, PCV, turbo bearing/seals etc) which is where the majority of the oil is going.

    Are you seeing blueish smoke out the exhaust when you put your foot down? It must be smoking if its burning that much oil.

    How many km's has the engine done?
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

    2015 Audi SQ5 bi-turbo V6 TDI family hauler

  3. #3
    Yeah so the car has 166xxx kms on it and i've checked for leaks cant find any I covered around 500kms in the last three weeks and the dipstick was at the middle and now its just below the centre part. I've noticed it smokes blueish quite a bit sometimes when starting from a red light only even when im not putting my foot down at all just easing of at the lights. Sometimes there is quite a bit sometimes non at all. When I put my foot down the only smoke seen is black soot kinda of smoke which I assume is normal for modified tfsis at this age.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
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    Black or grey smoke is just excess fuel (running rich) and pretty normal for turbo cars, especially modified ones. Normally only visible when you give the car a bootful.

    Blueish coloured smoke is oil burning so that's likely to be where your oil is going. Try the slightly thicker oil I mentioned in the previous post and see if it improves anything.
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

    2015 Audi SQ5 bi-turbo V6 TDI family hauler

  5. #5

    Quote Originally Posted by Lucas_R View Post
    Black or grey smoke is just excess fuel (running rich) and pretty normal for turbo cars, especially modified ones. Normally only visible when you give the car a bootful.

    Blueish coloured smoke is oil burning so that's likely to be where your oil is going. Try the slightly thicker oil I mentioned in the previous post and see if it improves anything.
    okay thanks mate

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