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Thread: sloppy 6spd gearstick/shifter

  1. #1
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    sloppy 6spd gearstick/shifter

    hey peeps

    so my newly acquired 08 jetta gearbox needed a replacement 5th /6th gear shift fork - I dropped the end plate and replaced it today.

    I adjusted the cables with the selector mechanism on the gearbox locked out, and a 5mm bit in the shifter lockout as well. no more slack in the lines.

    the gearstick/selector feels sloppy like loose

    I have checked the reverse or shaft slider bushings they're ok

    it seems the shifter ball plastic bushing is a bit average, do you guys regularly need to replace these? ?

    new to vdubs so just checking in with the usual suspects?

    any good threads let me know! '


  2. #2
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    sloppy 6spd gearstick/shifter-screen-shot-2018-04-22-4-26-51-pm-png

    heres the shifter

    the ball is metal

    the plastic housing that encompasses the ball is worn

    as is the first gear getter bushing

    I cannot seem to find this variant of shifter/gearstick in the parts manuals, was this an early type that is now discontinued?

    all the ones I can find have plastic shifter ball and a metal retaining clip on top... ?

    anyone know how to pull the plastic insert out of the housing, do you have to break it to get it out?
    Last edited by s900t8v; 22-04-2018 at 05:07 PM.

  3. #3
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    found this on ebay which matches, but just wanna try and suss out if I need to remove heaps to pull this plastic housing out.. I tried just levering it out but doesnt seem to want to move.

    if its a simple matter of pulling it out and shoving a new one in i'll replace it cos it irritates me.

  5. #5

    I have the same issue on my 2014 Caddy, can't find a diagram for this shifter box... Anyone know how I can reduce this gear slop..?

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