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Thread: Replacing head unit with 7 inch tablet

  1. #1

    Replacing head unit with 7 inch tablet

    Hi all,

    OK, first off I need to make it blatantly clear that I am the biggest rookie when it comes to doing car mods myself. I successfully managed to change the head unit in my old Magna however so felt this could potentially be something I can do myself.

    The video below is what has inspired my idea. Not a fan of the RCD510 unit but would like something that can play media in my car and have a spare Nexus 7inch tablet lying around at home so figured this may be a good option.

    Wondering if anyone has done something similar to this already? Any tips for a successful changeover would be appreciated.

    I have also read other threads on here that talk about needing to install a canbus in order to avoid battery drainage when changing the head unit... for those in the know - would I need to install something similar to save my battery if going down the tablet road?
    MY08 Golf GT Sport MKV

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    Apr 2007
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    Quote Originally Posted by BennyTheJet View Post
    I have also read other threads on here that talk about needing to install a canbus in order to avoid battery drainage when changing the head unit... for those in the know - would I need to install something similar to save my battery if going down the tablet road?
    No, you don't have to.

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