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Thread: Reliable VW parts supplier

  1. #11
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    Yes I have a magnetic telescopic tool like that. They are very handy, especially for getting spark plugs out
    Quote Originally Posted by Lucas_R View Post
    You might need one of these magnetic pick up tools. These are worth their weight in gold even if they might not be what you need for this particular job. Super super handy tool to have when working on cars.

    Stanley Magnetic Pick Up Tool | Bunnings Warehouse

  2. #12
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    So I fitted one of the ebay $35 ones, and it worked fine for a couple of weeks. Now the car thinks the door is open when it is actually shut. If I push a screwdriver into the machanism to lock it, it seems to have 2 points where it clicks into place. Only the second spot which has the screwdriver right in, turns the interior lights off and reflects door closed on MFD. Obviously closing the door properly is only going to the first spot. I have adjusted the mechanism and the striker to their maximum adjustments and it seems it is not reaching the second spot, therefore the car thinks the door is still open. Thing is, it worked fine for a couple of weeks. What could be wrong? Did I get a dodgey mechanism?

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by BirdManFJ View Post
    So I fitted one of the ebay $35 ones, and it worked fine for a couple of weeks. Now the car thinks the door is open when it is actually shut. If I push a screwdriver into the machanism to lock it, it seems to have 2 points where it clicks into place. Only the second spot which has the screwdriver right in, turns the interior lights off and reflects door closed on MFD. Obviously closing the door properly is only going to the first spot. I have adjusted the mechanism and the striker to their maximum adjustments and it seems it is not reaching the second spot, therefore the car thinks the door is still open. Thing is, it worked fine for a couple of weeks. What could be wrong? Did I get a dodgey mechanism?
    Whats happened is you have discovered the reason why they are $35 on ebay.

    Can you put something on the striker (some electrical tape or similar) to make the striker larger/protrude further to try and trigger the 2nd switch in the door?
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

    2015 Audi SQ5 bi-turbo V6 TDI family hauler

  4. #14
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    I got a lock on the way which I will not be fitting. Will sell for cost, it has 2 year warranty.
    MK4 GTI - Sold
    MK5 Jetta Turbo - Sold
    MK5 Jetta 2.Slow - Until it dies.

  5. #15
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    Just are you sure its the door lock and not the atrocious wiring in the door harness?

    I'm sure the insulation on the wiring in the MK5's is made of te same stuff thats inside Violete Crumbles. The insulation cracks, and the wires either short out or break. Or a combination of both.

  6. #16
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    Wire might be be worth a look, I've seen the wire to headlight bulb are falling apart, and the front door hinge area is a known weak spot.
    I have had a bit of experience with liquid electrical tape
    MK4 GTI - Sold
    MK5 Jetta Turbo - Sold
    MK5 Jetta 2.Slow - Until it dies.

  7. #17
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    I think you guys are onto something. It only started happening after we had the latest heavy rain. Now it is drying out, the fault is intermittent. To the point I can make it happen. Going around RH corners (mainly roundabouts), causes the interior lights to come on and MFD indicator. Turning left makes them go out again
    Not sure where the faulty wiring is though. Time to start doing some basic detective work O\/O

  8. #18
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    Check the roof mounted light switch i've seen those have bad contacts and melt the mechnism

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lucas_R View Post
    Whats happened is you have discovered the reason why they are $35 on ebay.
    I got a full refund after reporting the part potentially faulty, so happy at least with that response.
    Now that it hasn't rained for a while and I'm guessing any water in the door/wiring has dried out, it has returned to correct function again. Weird

  10. #20
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    An update on this. It has rained a few times since the initial issue, and so far (touch wood) the problem has not returned. The $35 ebay door lock seems to be working fine
    MY08 Golf MkV GT-Sport

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