Personally not a big fan of black on black- but the quality of your work is good
Also fixes the gutter rash nicely too.
18 inch s4 rims would look sweet!!
Hey guys just thought I would upload photos with the steps that I went through in painting my stock rims from my Golf MK5 2.0 FSI for anyone who wants to paint their rims or wants to see how I did it..
This is my first attempt at painting rims and I'm pretty happy with the end result.
Not sure if this is the right section to post this in as i'm new to the forum but i'm sure someone will appreciate it.
The whole process took me about 5 hours as I could only do 2 rims at a time.
Step 1. Wash rims thoroughly with soap then dry down with a dry, clean cloth. I just used Meguiars car wash soap to do this. I've read people use wax & grease remover etc but I didn't have any so I just used what I had.
Step 2. Sanding the rims. I used 240 grit wet sandpaper. Rinsing off any excess dirt and again drying with a dry cloth.
Step 3. Masking off the tire..
Step 4. Spraying on primer/undercoat. I did 4 light coats of the undercoat. I waited around 10 minutes between each coat,
Step 5. Spraying on the base colour (BLACK), again I did 4 light coats of this. I waited 10-15 minutes between each coat and did this step after letting the primer dry for about 45 minutes.
Step 6. (optional) I put on 2 coats of clear coat which I think made them look so much nicer and glossier.
Before and after shots
Would love to know everyones thoughts!!
Did this temporarily until I save up for the rims that I want, but I think these will do for now!
Personally not a big fan of black on black- but the quality of your work is good
Also fixes the gutter rash nicely too.
18 inch s4 rims would look sweet!!
07 GTI
APR stage II
Thanks @golfmeupDefiantly did fix the gutter rash up nicely!
They're the rims I want haha! Hopefully soon! Thinking of getting them in silver.. but I must say i'm liking the all black!
Hye GolfMK5AT (just rolls off the tongue haha)
Nice job on the rims! Definitely worth it to get rid of the gutter rash. Can I ask what paint brands you used?
I have new GTI on the way and intend on painting the rims (as per my concept below - ignore the 2 door model). I can pay someone $400 to do it, or do it myself. I actually think I'll do a better job but I'm not sure if I actually will, or if it's misplaced confidence lol.
Did you use an etch primer, or just a normal acrylic primer?
Hey man,
Congrats on the GTI!
Yeah so happy with how it came out and made them look so much nicer without all the gutter rash from the old owner.
I used these paints
Gloss Black: Export Aerosol Paint - Enamel, Gloss Black, 250g - Supercheap Auto Australia
Clear Coat: Export Aerosol Paint - Enamel, Clear, 250g - Supercheap Auto Australia
Primer: Export Aerosol Paint - Enamel, White Primer, 250g - Supercheap Auto Australia
Obviously they aren't the best paints you can get for the job but I just went with at as I didn't want to spend anything to extreme for my first ever paint job incase I messed everything up but I must say in person the paint looks great.
Yeah defiantly worth taking the time and doing it yourself for about $30 instead of paying someone $400 haha!
Hope it works out, can't wait to see what it looks like for you
Hoped this helped!
Sweet thanks for the info! I want a nice wet look and your wheels seem pretty close to my liking
Getting stupidly excited. This car needs to come, now! Lol