mk5 2007 model sorry.
Hey Guys,
First time on this forum here, so will throw out some introductions.
My names Joey, just picked up a VW Jetta TDI after putting my sub liberty gt on the market.
Great fuel economy, even better looking car. Picked one up pretty cheap in sydney but she needs some work to get it back to perfect again. Couple issues maybe someone can help me with?
1. Shes a rough ride; its been lowered with cheap ebay springs and its got 19" wheels on it. I know theres a compromise for height and looks; but i live in country nsw and needing a bit more of a softer ride. I currently get a lot of bumping noises come from the back more specifically then the front. Not sure if i should revert suspension back to the original springs or im told there are some rubber things you can cap them with to stop the noise?
2. Aircon seems to be busted. It works, fans up, screens up just not cold. Would this be a simple regas or are there other problems i should be looking for?
3. Sunroof noise - no leak, just noise at this stage, more like an airleak.
4. The head unit is a ****ty ebay one, doesnt seem to work great, freezes and radio tuner doesnt even work. Can anyone reccommend a good one that they have bought? Would love one that fits in with the golf look.
Other than that she needs an incredibly good clean and it should look schmik! This is the car as is.
Thanks all!
mk5 2007 model sorry.
good stereo is the RNS510 but, you need to do something with the battery on pre 08 models. raise the suspension and the 19's would not suit the country roads
Current - 2015 Tiguan 155 R-Line.
Previous - Jetta MkV 147 Turbo, Viezu Raceday mapped, Carbonio CAI, Quad Exhaust System, R8 Coil pack, Whiteline Swaybar, GTi Steering wheel with paddles, Alloy pedals, RNS510 & Leather.
1. Rough idle, not too sure without some codes mate, could be a number of things, check the basics, fuel, oil, sensors etc. I would be reverting back to stock suspension ASAP and it can be had secondhand for cheap.
2. Most likely the AC compressor, unfortuantly quite common to go bust in European vehicles, should be able to pick a rebuilt one up for $500-700.
3. Not sure about this, I'd be checking the seal around the sunroof and just making sure it's generally tight?
4. I would be putting in a RNS 510, you just need to sort out the CANBUS so you don't get the dreaded battery drain issue.