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Thread: Need assistance asap with timing belt

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Need assistance asap with timing belt

    Hey people,
    new here just wanted to ask if anyone has a photo of the crank pulley lined up on tdc on a 2005 golf 2.0 non turbo.
    the mark for cam gear is obvious but for the crank pulley it says to line the slot in the harmonic balancer with the slot in the backing plate, but I can't see any mark in the backing plate.
    thank you all for any help or pics

  2. #2
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  3. #3
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  4. #4
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    I see the mark on the pulley what does it line up with on the cover?

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  5. #5

    Need assistance asap with timing belt

    Don't you need something similar to this to do a timing belt?

    I just did my Golf TDI and would find it extremely difficult without a timing tool kit as the 6mm pins (you can use drills) lock camshafts and fuel pump.

    On the diesel (I assume the petrol is the same) there is no mark to line up as geared piece in the kit does it for you as there is a 6mm hole just above the timing gear that the kit seats into. But the mark dose not line up with this hole.
    Good luck trying without a kit, I wouldn't like to try it.

    "You don't know what you don't know"

    Cheers dave

  6. #6
    These timing tool kits are supplied with two crank shaft locks. You use the one depending on whether your mark is on the point of the gear or in the valley and use the corresponding matching tool.

    "You don't know what you don't know"

    Cheers dave

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by weonarok View Post
    These timing tool kits are supplied with two crank shaft locks. You use the one depending on whether your mark is on the point of the gear or in the valley and use the corresponding matching tool.

    "You don't know what you don't know"

    Cheers dave
    You can do it without locking anything in place. Just refit the poly belt drive pulley and the mark on the rim of that will be at the notch in the metal work behind it.

  8. #8
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    Sorry but what I'm trying to say is there is no notch in the metal work behind it. Have a browse at that picture I put up, can't see the bastard anywhere on it. All I need is to find the corresponding notch and this hole job can be done and out the door.
    I'll look for the locking tools for next time I do the job.
    I'm almost to the point where I take number one spark plug out and put a long screw driver in there and turn engine over to find tdc

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  9. #9
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    If cylinder one is TDC, just make your own mark on the crank and belt itself (wife's bright nail polish is good for this lol). For the cam side, just mark the belt (inline with the cam mark). Remove the belt. Compare it to the new belt, teeth wise, if the new belt is confirmed to be correct - transfer the marks to the new belt and make sure they line up the same when reinstalling.

    I did the belt on my GTI this way. Is there something different on a non turbo?

  10. #10
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    Need assistance asap with timing belt

    From your picture above it appears that someone has already made their own mark?

    The top tooth (12:10ish) appears the have white liquid paper or something as a mark...

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