Dear All
After months and months and large amounts of $$$ of trying to work out why my 2005/2006 MKV GTI was experiencing power drain issues following the installation of a RCD510 I have finally found a solution. I changed the gateway, reprogrammed the gateway, used a multimeter to measure draw, removed fuses and nothing worked. Finally a very smart person from the UK solved my problem. Early GTI's have a Amp under the passenger side seat and any car that has this and the sound system installed will NOT experience 'power drain' after installing a RCD510. I ended up putting back my original gateway and this solved the problem. I went on holidays for 2 weeks, came back and everything worked fine.
Please make this a sticky!
More information can be found here
RCD 510 and CANBUS upgrade but still Powerdrain
Nothing better than when sleuthing gets it done.