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Thread: MkV 1.9tdi remap help!

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Cleveland, QLD
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    MkV 1.9tdi remap help!

    Hi everyone,
    I'm looking for someone to remap my tdi golf. You see my wife bought her 2005 1.9 tdi golf a couple of years ago and at the end of last year I met a guy from Brakes Plus at Capalaba that was as much of a nut (if not more) as me.
    He had the cable and software to do a remap of the misses golf i thought why not?

    Info read....sent overseas to modify...sent back and reloaded!

    Then black marks left on road .... woohoo!!!

    Now I just bought myself a 2005 1.9tdi golf too! (loved the misses one too much!)
    BUT my guy has since moved on from his place of work....

    I was hoping to get someone to do a "copy and paste" type thing for me ... Copy the wifes map and paste to mine.

    I have double checked and they are the same motor and for all intensive purposes the car are identical (as far as i'm aware)

    I was put on to Alba.... but he's now moved on to bigger and better things too ...
    and I just found out after leaving him a couple of messages....

    So...... If you're reading this Deano .... message me please bro!

    If not, can anyone suggest someone to do this please?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
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    Maybe try Gavin from customcode (user: h100vw).

    Don't like your chances of getting a copy/paste of the wifey's tune though as no tuner is going to want to take responsibility for a product they haven't tested.

  3. #3
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    I'm guessing the "tune " my wifes car has is a legit one .... I mean it went in straight away and everything was perfect with no issues what so ever.

    But even so, I get what you are saying.

    I would assume that whoever is doing the read/write would save my original map first just in case.
    And i wouldn't hold anyone responsible for the map itself...


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Central Coast, NSW
    I have a 1.9 tdi and bought a flashzilla off Malone Tuning. Essentially they send you out the box and cable. Load the map & send it off to them and then they send back a revised one to load on.

    I doubt you'll be able to copy your wifes... No $ in that from any tuner so I assume you'll be looking at getting a retune of some sort might as well try out another company or find out what hers is.

  5. #5
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    Yeah, I'm thinking I'll have to rethink my whole approach to this....

    I was planning to spend some coin for my original plan of attack as I don't expect something for nothing..
    I was hoping a couple of hundred dollars would do it IF it was just time spent to do it... (if it could be done and all things being equal)

    I don't expect miracles and I do understand that tuners pay big bucks for their equipment and need to get it back somehow.

    Time to start shopping around for something that suits....

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Actually the equipment for flashing MKV TDI is pretty cheap now, because actually working Chinese clones on the market. What costs is the tune itself.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Yeah... I am getting a lot of that sort of information. ...
    Any suggestions and reasonably priced recommendations are greatly appreciated.

    Remember that I'm not looking for a custom job as such...just one of the "off the shelf" type tunes. (I know... there's no one thing fits all. .. it's just the term I used)

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Actually there is. If tuner has tuned a car with same p/n ECU, with same software version, then it would be identical to yours.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Central Coast, NSW

    I recently got mine done through Malone tuning. Buy a flashzilla off their website and follow the instructions. Best thing is that you can do the whole thing without leaving the house and it's probably the cheapest. Seems to be good so far. Definitely feel the difference.

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