Is the SWCM detecting that the buttons are working?
i.e if you look at the live data in the SWCM, it should be registering each button as it's pressed.
Might be worth looking at the coding in another car the same as yours, and comparing.
I have a 2006 MK5 Golf GTI, 5-speed with mid-line cluster display.
A while ago the buttons on my steering wheel stopped working, along with the horn. I cannot control my head unit or anything in my mid-line cluster display.
The stalks on my steering column are fully functional i.e. my front and rear wipers & washers still work, as does the high beam and cruise control.
There are no warning lights on my console.
After taking it my mechanic, at great expense I've had the clock-spring in my steering wheel replaced, and I've also had the steering control module in the steering column replaced too. Both have been programmed, and show no errors in VAG-COM.
But the problems still persist. I'm unsure what to troubleshoot or look at next. Can anyone provide any suggestions?
Is the SWCM detecting that the buttons are working?
i.e if you look at the live data in the SWCM, it should be registering each button as it's pressed.
Might be worth looking at the coding in another car the same as yours, and comparing.
'07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
'01 Beetle 2.0
had the same problem for the longest time, swapped out my clockspring with no luck so i tore down the column to inspect my cecm
didn't find anything out of the ordinary plugged it all back in and it's been working for the last 2 yearslooks like the connection may have just needed to be reseated
could be a problem with the steering wheel harness itself which plugs into the clock spring?
Was thinking about doing the same thing too. The curious/frustrating thing is that the problem was intermittent. When I started the car in the morning, the buttons and the horn were functional, but midway during my journey they would stop working. After the car was warm, they would still not work, even after re-starts.
Initially, I thought it could be the Clockspring, or that something was loose, or that it could be a heat issue where contraction/expansion somewhere was causing connection issues.
I had the Clockspring replaced first to no avail. The problem was still intermittent as described above.
I then had the Steering Control Module replaced. The buttons and the horn do not work at all now.
The guys who replaced the Clockspring and Steering Control Module assure me that both were installed correctly and re-coded with no errors. What is being reported now is that the horn is reporting a ‘Mechanical Failure’ and the Steering Wheel Stalks are reporting errors too (not sure what they are) – this is despite that fact that the stalks are still fully functional.
I’ll do the coding checks as suggested by Umai Naa!! and see what comes back. Depending on the outcome of that, I’ll tear down the Steering Column myself and re-seat everything as you’ve suggested.
I appreciate your suggestions, and I am prepared to work through whatever I can look for. As it stands right now, I don’t relish the idea of handing my car over to a dealer/mechanic for an exploratory job that could potentially be expensive for no return – I’ve already shelled out quite a bit of cash for works and items that didn’t look like they needed to be done.
I’m not adverse to paying someone to do some work for me down the track, it’s just that I have contacted a few dealers/mechanics already, and they have all put me off by saying they’re not sure what else it could be considering what has been done so far.
I understand it’s a process of elimination, hence why I’m reaching out to see what I can look for myself.
yep what you're describing is pretty much what mine was doing however more often than not they just weren't working
take the bottom cover of the dash off and see if it comes and goes if you move any of the harness' down there around
Cheers - will do.
Just for clarification, when you say the bottom cover of the dash are you referring to the bottom cover where the speedometer cluster is (just above the steering wheel column), or the bottom cover at the base of the steering wheel column i.e. the footwell?
yep in the foot well, that'll give you access to most of the harnesses
that being said you might want to go ahead and take off the bottom cover of the steering column too so you can see what's going on
Update - despite what I said, I was unable to do this over the weekend. As John Lennon once said, "life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans". Long weekend coming up here in Adelaide, so I should be able to escape the wife and family for a few hours and give this the time it needs.