Hi All, i would like some assistance with an issue I've been having with my car. During the horrific down pour we had the other week my car stopped working over night. I was able to start it once in a week period, then i was able to jump it but the battery would not charge. When i jump started the car i had no revs and no speed, the petrol guage would move up and down like my boost guage and i definitely had no power steering or blinkers. I know it's a water caused issue as quiet often when it rains i get water in my foot wells. I fixed the sun roof leaks months ago but there is a leak coming from somewhere in the dash which i found out the other day.
I tried charging my battery with a trickle charge and a small portable jumper. The trickle would only get to 7.1v and the jump only got it to 11.5v.
I replaced the battery yesterday but still the same issue. I start the car and it clonks out instantly. If you keep the key in and try re-turning you get nothing, if you pull it out and put it back in you can try to turn it over again.
All the dash lights are on and after a while it beeps loud. The steering wheel buttons don't do anything aswell i have noticed.
I took a video of me starting the car below
MK5 golf engine cutting out on start up - YouTube
I think it might be either the ECU unit is faulty or the instrument cluster is fried. Oddly enough it still remembers the KMs etc
Has anyone had this problem or similar?